CliqueClack TV

Hawaii Five-0 – What am I doing here?

I finally got a taste of 'Hawaii 5-0'. And I liked what I saw. Grace Park, however, was pointless in this episode.

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "Mana'O"


That was Hawaii 5-0.

I came into this police drama with wide-eyed wonder to see what there was to see. What all the hoopla was about. To discover just why I’d been hearing so much about this new ‘re-imagining’ of an iconic show from a couple generation’s hence.

And what do I get for the effort? An episode introduction straight out of The Walking Dead rather than a police drama: A homo sapien luau, complete with officer’s badge in exchange of the traditional ‘apple in a pig’s mouth’.

But I jest. There were a few notable moments. Here’s some of what I saw:

First, I really concentrated on picking out all those facial inflections An’s been going on about … the one’s “AOL” (Alex O’Loughlin) flicks here and there throughout the episodes. You know the ones I mean? No? Well … me neither. I didn’t really see’em. What I did see were barely a handful of slight muscular twitches from AOL. Maybe director Matt Beasly put the kibosh on them this time ’round. I didn’t see where they would really have been effective in this episode, anyway. Mayhap it was for the best.

Now, for some fun stuff. I thought An was just kidding in her last review when she mentioned “… where Grace Park does more than stand …”. But you know what? That’s just about all she did. Yeah, I know … someone out there is going to point out “Not so! Not so! She showcased that spiffy product placement with ‘Bing’ while in the gallery! She wielded a mean piece of hardware in the last 20 minutes in the fight with the Villain Of The Week!” Well … yeah … she did. But, in all actuality, she clocked in more time mimicking a mannequin than committing something resembling acting. And that was annoying. I’ve never seen an actor actually stand and be annoying before. (Other than Jay Leno, I mean.)

More fun: I love roller coasters. So the ‘interrogation ride’ round the circular Bronson Pinchot took on the roof of Danny’s car? (Which, by the by, would have been loads of fun for me.) Well … here’s the thing: Did any of you out there seriously think anything — anything – was going to happen to him where he would have been in danger for his life? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

No. I didn’t think so. While a fun scene, it was the most unbelievable of the episode. Throw-away eye candy. Mr. Pinchot could not make that scene look realistic. And I doubt anyone else could have, either. (Other than Jay Leno, I mean. And you have to admit: We all would have liked to have seen him strapped to the roof of that car.)

And An? You were pretty much on the money when you noted the show’s pattern (and I liberally paraphrase): “Characters banter, other character looks lost, yet another character shows electronic-savvy skills.” But, just to jostle things around, Danno did scream and drive, simultaneously. Mixing it up show to show — that’s a good thing.

By the way: It was nice seeing Jon Seda (formerly of Homicide: Life On The Street, among others) appearing again on the small screen. Always liked that guy. (And I understand he will be on Season 2 of Treme.)

Despite some hooey, Hawaii 5-0 was engaging and entertaining. I’ll be back. I do believe I want to delve in a little deeper and learn more about the characters. Though AOL doesn’t work for me, Scott Caan does.

So I’ll return. But … not if Grace Park is being featured.

All she does is stand.

And be annoying….

Photo Credit: CBS

13 Responses to “Hawaii Five-0 – What am I doing here?”

November 9, 2010 at 10:29 AM

Bummer, I haven’t watched it yet, and unless you get more out of the next episode, I may have to file it in my “I only have a finite amount of time left on this world and I’m not wasting some of it on this” drawer.

November 9, 2010 at 10:57 PM

. . . . .

bronsont: Is your sister’s name ‘Debbie Downer’ … ???

November 9, 2010 at 10:35 AM

Thanks for covering for me, Michael. I’m glad you enjoyed it, but it’s good to know I’m not hallucinating on half of my nitpicks. However, we shall have to talk later on my “AOL” crush :)

November 9, 2010 at 10:56 PM

. . . . .

You gotta admit, An: That ‘AOL’ is pretty damned funny …

November 9, 2010 at 10:36 AM

So I’ll return. But … not if Grace Park is being featured.
All she does is stand.
And be annoying….

Pretty much all she did on the later seasons of BSG too.

November 9, 2010 at 10:37 AM

I’ve not watched last night’s episode yet, but if it’s lets face it, this show is all about being pretty. The scenery is pretty. Alex O’Loughlin is pretty. Grace Park is VERY pretty, and the writing is pretty…bad.

For whatever reason, Scott Caan is the only one who can seem to deliver his lines in a convincing manner. Maybe it’s because he’s playing the character (or it’s written as) as if it were and extension of his Ocean’s 11 character.

In any case, we’ve seen Daniel Dae Kim and Park deliver a LOT better performances elsewhere, so I’m inclined to lay the blame on the writing, at least the dialogue part of it. some of the lines they have to deliver are just plain painful.

As to the story-based part of the writing, would it kill them to to address the larger story arcs? I guess they laid the groundwork for some of that with the nosy sister in this last episode, but we could use some elements that stretch outside of individual episodes already.

If this show was a radio teleplay, it’d have been canceled after one episode.

November 9, 2010 at 12:52 PM

Wow, tough audience. I guess I am right there with you though… the first episode was great but all I can say about last night’s episode is I liked the conversation between Scott Caan and Daniel Dae Kim. The reason for it? DDK actually had some lines. I have said it before and I will say it again, DDK and Grace Park are so under used. I am all for a re-boot of an older series but they need to update it not only with the technology but with the other characters too.

November 9, 2010 at 12:58 PM

Way to go unsulting actors by saying Leno is one ;-)

November 9, 2010 at 10:56 PM

. . . . .

You gotta stick with your strengths, Sebastian.

Obviously, this is one of mine.

November 9, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Grace was particularly absent in this ep, but she’s usually kicking someone’s butt. This was Danno’s story, and AOL’s expressions were less evident. Exec producer has promised more upcoming DDK-heavy story lines, so that’s something to look forward to. Show isn’t super-serious or realistic but is an entertaining way to pass an hour.

November 9, 2010 at 9:50 PM

Grace Park hit a home run yet again. It never ceases to amaze me how she can just dominate a show even when she has a scant amount of lines. Incredible performance tonight! I am definitely with the millions and millions and millions of people that not only think Grace Park is the hottest young woman (next to my wife) this side of the sun, but a tremendously gifted actress as well. Ah to dream. I sometimes wonder that if I actually met Grace Park would she even give me the time of day. I think she might because I am considered quite good-looking you know. I know this because my mother always told me so.

November 9, 2010 at 10:55 PM

. . . . .

Sorry, Tim-1:

I just don’t see what you see in Grace Park.

But I’m pleased as punch she trips your trigger. To each his own.

November 11, 2010 at 7:43 PM


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