CliqueClack TV

Community – Annie’s got a gun

Conspiracies and blanket forts abound. Plus, it turns out that Greendale has a pretty amazing theater department.

- Season 2, Episode 9 - "Conspiracy Theories and Soft Defenses"

“Annie took to deception like Abed took to Cougar Town.” – Jeff

What a completely random episode. It was amazing, but it was so crazy that I don’t even know what to say about it. This is one of those episodes, like the paintball one, where I just look at it and marvel at the production value. That blanket fort? Was awesome. Can you imagine the amount of work that went into it? It had a Civil Rights museum! And a Latvian Independence Parade! With the proper permits!

I’m just glad that Troy and Abed pulled the plug on it before it went mainstream, or else they would have spent years in court with Starburns and other fools who claimed that they invented the blanket fort. I saw The Social Network; I know how these things go.

I’m always a little bummed though when certain members of the gang aren’t around much in an episode, and we barely got to see Britta, Pierce and Shirley at all. However, I did love Britta’s cameo in the “more adult” section of the blanket fort. It looked like one of those websites that the Dean always likes looking at while he’s at work.

Perennial character actor Kevin Corrigan was also awesome as Professor Professorson. Nothing in this conspiracy storyline of course ended up making any sense (such is often the case when you get too deeply into conspiracies), but it was beautiful, nonetheless. They did the wonderful Arrested Development thing of taking a joke just a beat or two further than you thought it would go, and then taking it five beats further than that. I loved it.

Community is really one of those shows that you can’t go into with any sort of expectations. I knew two things going into tonight’s episode: “conspiracy” and “blanket forts.” Neither one of those came even close to preparing me for what was going to happen.

Speaking of events I wasn’t prepared for, what the hell is with Annie and Jeff? They ended up on top of each other more than once, and that whole, “because I love you!” thing was a little bit too close for comfort. I really want to go  back to the season one mentality of “sexualizing Annie is creepy because she’s 12.” I don’t like the idea of her and Jeff together, and I really want it to stop. What do you guys think?

Photo Credit: NBC

12 Responses to “Community – Annie’s got a gun”

November 19, 2010 at 12:32 AM

And that’s why you don’t teach lessons.

November 19, 2010 at 10:15 PM

I had the exact same response.

“And THAT’S WHY you don’t use a one-armed man to teach lessons!”

November 19, 2010 at 1:22 AM

seriously i couldn’t stop laughing for 3/4ths of the show

November 19, 2010 at 8:14 AM

Me neither … this episode was pure brilliance! Why are more people not watching?!

November 19, 2010 at 3:09 AM

That was the funniest show of the season, so far. And I don’t know what the big deal is about Jeff and Annie. It’s not like she’s underage. It would be creepy if Pierce was trying to date Annie, but Jeff? I don’t know. If Jake Gyllenhall can date Taylor Swift, then why can’t Jeff date Annie?

November 19, 2010 at 8:15 AM

Last night’s show was awesome. The only reason I’m not against the Annie-Jeff match-up is because Alison Brie looks like she’s 24/25. The only time I felt creeped out by the relationship occurred in the season premiere when Annie acted (and actually looked/dressed) like a teenager in love.

November 19, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Its so easy to forget that Annie is supposed to be 18/19 so the Jeff/Annie chemistry doesn’t seem that creepy. I keep thinking she is like 22-25 just because that seems to be the age group Allison Brie is in.

I wished we saw more of the blanket fort before it was demolished. I loved Leonard basically being a stand in for a fruit cart during the chase scene. And what was Britta doing in the S&M blanket fort?

November 19, 2010 at 10:15 PM

The gun scene reminded me of the Sideshow Bob rake bit: it’s funny, then 3 beats later it’s not funny, but then 8 more beats later it reaches the level of epic funny.

November 20, 2010 at 6:46 AM

I don’t get it Kona. Annie on the show doesn’t even remotely look as if she was younger than 20. The actress is 27 and even if she WERE just 19 it would still be ok since she’s not even underage. Winger is how old? Mid-30s? And he’s a childish person. I don’t really see the problem here. I really don’t.

“Castle” putting a (real life!) 15 year old in a red dress in a bar in the pilot episode on the other hand… THAT was creepy.

November 20, 2010 at 9:04 AM

It’s not that Allison Brie and Joel McHale would be inappropriate, it’s Jeff and Annie. Legal, sure, but I do not like the idea of a dude in his thirties going after someone who isn’t old enough to drink.

November 20, 2010 at 4:59 PM

I always say that I would never date a girl who’s 18 to 20 (younger isn’t even something I woudld discuss!) but I have come to the point where I say it depends on how intelligent she is and how she is in the relationship.

Over here, she’d be able to drink, from 16 onward (beer) and at 18 she’d be allowed to drink whatever she wants. Over in the US, she’s allowed to drive when she’s 16, here when she’s 18.

Let’s just face it: Annie would be allowed to be naked in Playboy but you wouldn’t allow her to date Jeff Winger. Sorry, I don’t get that. If she’s immature and she’d be not on par with Jeff’s intellect – I agree. But we don’t know that and we won’t be able to find out if they don’t date.

An example for that would be Ross dating that college student on “Friends”. In the end he found out she’s too immature for him. But that didn’t keep him from TRYING. Because she deserves for him to TRY if they are compatible.

I simply don’t get why it’s ok for them to date when she’s 40 and he’s 55 but not when she’s 20 and he’s 35. Because life hasn’t ruined her completely already? Because she’s innocent at 20? That’s just… well I don’t know.

I always hated it when my former classmates dated men in ther 30s. My stepsister is 24 and she’s dating a guy 10 years older. 10 years ago I would’ve been furious, now I give every single guy she dates a chance, because she deserves it and he deserves it for me to get to know him and see how they are together. And if they are great together then why not?

I understand that it irks you but honestly this isn’t the 1800s ;-)

December 28, 2010 at 3:13 AM

I absolutely loved this episode. It was very Clue-like, and the chemistry between Jeff and Annie is just impossible to ignore. At the start of season one, I was all about Britta and Jeff, mostly because of the way the writers portrayed them. But after the debate episode, and the season finale, I was hooked on the Jeff/Annie bit. This episode showed how much chemistry Joel and Alison have, and their characters are opposite in every way, which makes the thought of Jeff and Annie having a relationship even greater. But that’s just me :)

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