CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Buh-bye Sabrina!

My poor, poor Gordon Ramsay. Out of this week's remaining six competitors on Hell's Kitchen, he pretty much only has one choice. You'll have to read my article to see who. It's a tease, ya see.

- Season 8, Episode 11 - "6 Chefs Compete"

Finally! Cue the singing angel chorus! We’ve all been put out of our misery, as Sabrina was de-jacketed on Hell’s Kitchen this week. Oh happy day. The girl was killin’ me. And more importantly, she was making the veins bulge in my Gordon Ramsay‘s eyeballs. (Yes that’s possible with him.)

Frankly, I haven’t a clue as to how Sabrina stayed alive this long. She admitted herself that she’s “very manipulative and will do whatever (she had to do in order to stay).” That can only take you so far after you’ve been put up for elimination seven bazillion times like she has, though. Even Gordon made a joke that she was wearing a path into the carpet in front of him.

I do have to hand it to the the lass however. She made one last evil attempt to sway the votes for elimination with fellow chef Jillian. Sabrina knew that if it came down to Chef Ramsay choosing between her and Trev, she would most likely go home. So she followed Jillian into “the sacred girl hovel” (that’s what we gals call the restroom), and tried to throw all the blame on Gail. Who screwed up fish for the second week running. (I really wonder why Gordon keeps putting her on that station.) Jillian appeared to take the bait, but Nona had the final say. And we all know how much she’s always hated Sabrina. So her fate was sealed.

I rather agree with Russell that it would have been an early Christmas gift if both Trev and Sabrina had gotten Gordon’s lovely boot in the ass. Trev is like your Debbie Downer cousin that you have to invite to your Thanksgiving dinner. You know what I mean. He’s a whiny, blaming victim. Everything is always someone else’s fault.

In tonight’s dinner service, even though he “rocks appetizers,” he was an abysmal mess because he was “paired with a ditz.” He says all the women are out to get him. He stays up after everyone else goes to sleep and gives himself creepy pep talks. (OK, I do that last one too.) But you get my drift. Hopefully, he can’t stand the heat and gets out of the kitchen next week.

As I teased you about before, Gordon really only has one choice left. And that’s Russell. Even he isn’t all that with a side of biscuits. But he did win the amuse bouche challenge with a perfect score. But he needs to make less mistakes during dinner services, lead, and communicate more.

Jillian is sweet, but she thought the term “Michelin” only referred to tires. She’s kind of the underdog right now, and I’d love to see her step it up and make a run for Russell. But she’s looking like she’s feeling a little tired and beaten down. We’ll see.

As for Gail. Holy Fishsticks Batman! She has simply got to learn how to cook a halibut. Or salmon. Or lobster. Or … well. Let’s just say that wherever she is, I hope she’s practicing right now! And Nona. She needs to step out of the background. Is she hiding on purpose, just waiting for all these other fools to get out of her way or what?

So, see ya Sabrina. I’ll really miss you running your mouth constantly. Not! (See how I did that there? I sent her out with a little nod towards her immaturity. Heh.)

Photo Credit: FOX

2 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Buh-bye Sabrina!”

November 18, 2010 at 1:35 PM

Thank goodness you were there to back stop me, I missed the program last night. But now I’m back up to speed! Thanks Tara!

Woot indeed, Holy Fishsticks Batman! (rofl)

December 8, 2010 at 5:17 AM

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Now that the wicked witch is gone let’s get back to the show!

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