CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks: Supernatural reigns supreme

Dean (to Sam, while being arrested): "Fight the fairies! You fight those fairies!" 'Supernatural' rocked the 'X-Files' homage and rang up some great lines.

This week, both Castle and Supernatural paid homage to The X-Files. You can tell by the title which one I thought did a better job. Granted, Supernatural does have a leg up since they can actually tell stories about similar subjects, but side-by-side they also just made more of the material. Enjoy the quotes, let me know if we missed your favorite quote of the week and, if we did, post it below!


“I’m sorry I can’t please every die hard fan in their mom’s basement who whines that the comic book is so much better.” – Walter

“I promise I won’t comment on how hot you look.” – Henry (to Kate)

Hawaii Five-0

“I get that you were built without a censor button.” – McGarrett (to Danno)

“You’re good.” – Danno
“I know.” – McGarrett

“Okay, Nick? Please do me a favor and just stop, okay? From now on, the ‘Company’ is the CIA. Alright? The ‘mechanic’ is the assassin. And, please, let’s stop referring to what you people do as the ‘community’. You’re not a community! The Amish people, they have a community.” – Danny

Raising Hope

“What am I supposed to do? Make a time machine, work all the kinks out, go back in time, and then remember not to smush parts with your mom? Is that what you want? Because then you wouldn’t even be born. It’s like Back to the Future. Am I the only one who watches movies in this house?” – Burt

“Good news! I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness. Bad news, I’m a sex offender.” – Burt


“Yellow team has made very little progress in this challenge. If this were life and death, you’d be dead.” – Jeff giving the yellow team more encouragement


“Do you know what this is?” – Sue
“A toilet brush.” – Mercedes
“It’s broccoli. And when I showed it to Brittany earlier, she began to whimper thinking I had cut down a small tree where a family of Gummi Bears lived.” – Sue

“Look at this crap. Foam fish sticks? Principal Sylvester is only serving pre-digested food now to give us more energy. I mean do I look like a damn baby bird?” – Mercedes

“Mr. Shue taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I felt they were too similar and I got frustrated.” – Brittany

“Guys, practice your bipolar rants. See, history can be fun!” – Holly as Mary Todd Lincoln

30 Rock

“Liz, wearing men’s watches is so over, the new thing is to get an adam’s apple.” – Jenna

“Your boos are not scaring me. I know most of you are not ghosts.” – Tracy, being booed after winning the crew lottery


“Jimmy Page is always relevant.” – Vincent Nigel-Murray

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

“Whoa! Did you see that? That came, like, right at you. Is this safe?” – Charlie about 3D

“They’re, like, third dimension glasses. They don’t really work though, because I feel like I’m still seeing stuff in whatever dimension we live in.” – Charlie


“Have I told you lately what an inspiration you are to me? ” – Allison
“No.” – Jake
“There’s a reason for that.” – Allison

Cougar Town

“I thought this would be like sleeping in a cloud, but it’s just terrifying.” – Bobby on sleeping in his hammock

“Trav, I’m bad at sex. There’s a lot of thrashin’ and thumpin’, but nothing really gets done. I’m like a broken dishwasher.” – Bobby, explaining to Travis that men live in constant fear of disappointing women

“You see, we women have a great responsibility. We have the power to control the men in our lives.” – Jules


“I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.” – Sam (reasoning out which kind of encounter Dean might be having)

“Is it on me? I feel like I’ve got the crazy on me.” – Dean (after visiting the fairy lady)

“A little glowing… hot… naked lady. With nipples. And… she hit me.” – Dean (explaining what he saw)

“Couldn’t I do all that, and have sex with a hippie chick?” – Sam (continuing to struggle with his soul and priorities)

“Dean? Did you service Oberon, king of the fairies?” Sam


When Troy asks Britta if she’d like to join him and Abed in building a blanket fort, she snottily replies she wants to do something more grown up….

“Have fun eating fiber and watching The Mentalist.” – Troy

Photo Credit: CW Television

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