CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Russell versus Jillian. Um, I mean Nona.

While it's not exactly surprising that Russell made it through to the 'Hell's Kitchen' finals, I'm a bit chagrined that Jillian is out and Nona is in. To quote Janet Jackson (which I so often do): "What has she done for me lately? Ooo yeah. Ooo yeah."

- Season 8, Episode 14 - "2 Chefs Compete"

So. I’ve been reading through all my notes on Hell’s Kitchen tonight, and while most of them are me practicing my “Mrs. Gordon Ramsay” signatures, I did see some jots here and there about finalist Nona. But between crazy Raj, whiny Trev, and the “thing” that was Sabrina; I’ve barely mentioned her this season. Except to say that she has brilliantly placed herself in the background, to let all these fools cook their own Christmas gooses.

My Gordon keeps pointing out what a perfect palette Nona has, and how important that is in a good chef. However! If some of you recall, she did pick a gas station chicken sandwich as haute cuisine room service, and tonight failed the test on the pass. She did taste the mashed potatoes, but failed to realize they were mashed celery root. She’s also been a hater along the way, with Sabrina and Gail and Russell and you name it. You know another thing that bothers me about her? No, besides the awful tatoos. It’s the endless wooting and clapping and jumping up and down when something positive does happen to her. Look. I’m all for a good woot. But, if you are in the running to be chosen as a representative of Gordon and 250K winner of this show, it may behoove you not to act like a seventh grader.

And Russell. Well, if you’ve been playing along, you know what an ass I think he is. Even if this is your first read (I’ll try not to be offended), I bet you think he’s an ass too. If I have to hear him extol his own virtues anymore, well then; I don’t know what. Don’t you wish that technology could advance to the point where you could give people “virtual” slaps upside the head? Where are you Bill Gates? Maybe you could work on that for me.

Lastly. Poor Jillian. Yes, her eyebrows are quite unfortunate, and every time she rubbed her face in frustration I was expecting them to disappear. But she really got filleted tonight. Her shrimp got thrown on the barbie. Her cake fell during the last moments of baking. Get my meaning? What really was my Gordon thinking? Jillian won the challenge. And it was a toughie with fusion cooking and all. She’s been a good leader, and a staunch competitor. Plus! She’s likable as all get out. She’s a normal nice girl just trying to get her and her kids out of her boyfriend’s basement into a better life. She had good rapport with Gordon, and wasn’t afraid of him. I’m irritated. (Which, if you know me, can happen sometimes. Especially around the holiday season.)

As for Trev–meh. A healthy farewell and wishes for a good therapist. I wasn’t even finding him amusing anymore.

So. Who am I rooting for? Hmm. I just can’t go with the pompous asshat. Therefore, Nona better not let me down. By the way. Which do you think sounds better? Mrs. Tara Ramsay? Or Mrs. Tara Shrodes-Ramsay? Gee. I hope my Gordon won’t care that I want to keep my current husband too. Since he doesn’t seem to be thinking clearly lately, perhaps I should strike while the oven is hot!

Photo Credit: FOX

13 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Russell versus Jillian. Um, I mean Nona.”

December 9, 2010 at 1:32 AM

. . . . .

Why … why was ‘your’ Gordon looking as if he was impersonating a hairless, orange raccoon-eyed fake ‘n’ bake tan on this edition of the program? Puzzling.

Let me tell you, however: The same rule applies here that goes for American Idol, Tara: Chicks with tattoos don’t win Hell’s Kitchen

December 10, 2010 at 2:13 PM

Michael. My Gordon was orange looking during this episode, as he let me spray tan him. I’m still perfecting my technique.

December 10, 2010 at 2:26 PM

. . . . .

You did him a disservice, then.

He looked like an Oompah Loompah …

December 9, 2010 at 6:00 AM

You have to remember some things are edited to cause us to like or dislike people. Nonetheless, I myself thought Trev should have gone all the way. Sorry, part of his “meh” is because no one worked for him and were sabotaging him. He went through more than the rest, and got through more than the rest. He was able to spot sabotage, he was able to get people working when they didn’t want to.

Russell should have been kicked off the show for the physical threats he gave.

The final should have been Gail and Trev.

December 10, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Dr. Whom, you’ve got to be kidding. Gail ruined every kind of fish she tried to cook 12 different ways! Literally. And I just don’t see what you see in Trev. I don’t think he was being sabotaged. The other cooks just plain didn’t like him. I do agree with you though, that Russell is abusive. Sadly, he’ll probably win.

December 10, 2010 at 10:10 AM

I agree with almost everything you wrote. Once I got over Jillian’s eyebrows, I was hoping she would be one of the finalists. She truly is likable as all get out…I even like her voice. I hope that her performance on Hell’s Kitchen (even with the premature departure) helps her land an awesome job. Happy Holidays!

December 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM

Back at ya Kevin! Thanks for the comment…

December 11, 2010 at 10:27 AM

There’s also the fact that Jillian was the only chef never put up for elimination. And also, she only had two bad services AND recovered. Nona has been inconsistent the whole way through. I haven’t liked Russell ever since he yelled at those kids.

December 11, 2010 at 6:21 PM

Nona is a total F-up! Jillian should have easily made final two. Nona smokes like a chimney, has a crap (rather use the S word) palette, disgusting tats, looks like an overweight troll and can’t cook for S**T.

Ramsey seriously missed the train on his decision. Oh yea, lets see, fat troll girl can’t tell celery root over mash potatoes, can’t win an F***ing challenge to save her life and has arguable the most annoying gestures of all time. Jillian is consistently good, has a solid palette and has a drive to improve that is night and day over fat troll girl. So, lets see… oh yes, lets have fat troll girl in the finals. NICE JOB Ramsey… you tool!

December 11, 2010 at 6:34 PM

I agree totally with Dean…and with Zach. HOW many times has Nona F-ed up dinner service? How many times has she LOST challenges? How many times has she been up for elimination?? Yet Jillian has NEVER been up for elimination…sure she’s made mistakes but never repeated them! She has the drive and determination to make it. She has a good palette which is taken her SO far. Sure her eyebrows were annoying but she has TALENT in the kitchen…not just luck. Plus her personality was hilarious. I guess the pep talks Ramsey gave her was all for nothing. Why give her all that hope only to let her down? Nona won a challenge because she was LUCKY. Not because of her talent (what talent?). I hope Russell KICKS her ass at the end of this season. Ramsey has seriously lost my respect and is making me question if I want to watch the next season.

December 13, 2010 at 3:57 AM

Dear Tara,

I was really shocked Chef Ramsay chose Nona over Jillian. I just don’t get it. Don’t take me wrong, it is a great show, but… what the hell was going on his mind? Nona seems to be a nice mom, but I guess she is too childish for such a overwhelming position. Rousell is a very arrogant guy and Trev clearly lacks people skills. Jillian would have been a tougher competitor. I give Nona no chance against Rousell. He should kick her ass. It looks like Chef Ramsay wants Rousell so badly that he decided to pick the weakest link to be Rousell’s rival. Rousell might be the most experienced chef, but if there was one person who could beat him, that would have been Jillian. It it true, she is not a very sophisticated cook but has a great heard and a lot of potential, and that’s more important than ‘cockyness’.


I think Chef Ramsay said that Jillian did not have much fine dining experience; however, she won the fusion cuisine challenge.

December 13, 2010 at 7:59 AM

Nona > Jillian? I have to agree with everyone. Nona absolutely SUCKS! Actually, this season was pretty terrible. Almost every chef they chose didn’t deserve to win and they all can’t cook. I won’t be watching next season.

December 14, 2010 at 8:09 PM

You guys, its all about money and ratings. You all know some characters are paid actors like Raj, nobody can seriously be that deranged on camera – just a shitty actor. So see that awesome challenge Jillian won? That prize was her bribe and probably a sum on money to take herself off the show.

Nona vs. Russell will keep everyone guessing, because Jillian would have beaten the shit out of either of them.

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