If you haven’t taken the first two quizzes yet, go take them now: Season one quiz and Season two quiz!
As Veronica Mars week is coming to a close, see how you did on the season two quiz and take the last quiz for season three. Only one person as of Thursday night got all the questions correct, Marenamoo-Mary. Congrats! (In parentheses is the percentage of respondents that got the answer correct.)
- When Veronica opened the door and said, ” I was hoping it was you,” it was Logan on the other side. He showed up on her doorstep after being beat up by the PCHers. (87%)
- Veronica took a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sleeping bag to Gia’s sleepover party. (34% – most people answered My Little Pony incorrectly at 51%)
- Leo stole the Lilly Kane – Aaron Echoll sex tapes from the police station to sell them for money to help his sick sister. He sold them for only $50,000 to Logan (who destroyed them) instead of to the tabloids for much more money. (51%)
- Wallace showed up at Veronica’s door on New Year’s Eve after running away to Chicago with his father. (60%)
- Lamb helped (unknowingly) Duncan escape to Mexico. Duncan hid in his trunk to get across the border undetected. (38%)
- Veronica sold Celeste’s earrings to a pawn shop for money to help Duncan escape (though she said it was to get money for a legal custody battle) and was in the lineup for selling stolen goods. (19% – most people answered breaking and entering incorrectly at 66%)
- Thumper had a spider on his motorcycle. (40%, another 40% answered Bunny incorrectly)
- At the AlternaProm, Logan declared his love to Veronica while drunk and called their romance “epic.” (77%)
- Jane Lynch was not a guest star during season two. She did play a teacher during season one. During season two, Kevin Smith played a store clerk, Michael Cera was the tour guide when Veronica visited Hearst College, and Joss Whedon played a car rental agent. (47%)
- Beaver blew up the bus. (87%)
The season two quiz seemed to be easier than the season one quiz for many of you. Let’s see how well you do on the season three quiz. Good luck! The answers will be posted on Sunday.

Photo Credit: The CW
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Clacked by Carla Day
on Dec 17, 2010 @ 11:30 EST5EDT
I think I did better on this one than season 2. Though I probably got the first one wrong.
You did great. Got the first one right. Only one wrong was the Weevil question. Answers will post on Sunday :)
I loved Veronica Mars – so glad I got all of season two’s answers – here’s hoping for season 3!
Looks like you are the Veronica Mars quiz expert. Got them all.
How do we see our scores?
I did it great in all of them. yeah