CliqueClack TV

Greek – The case of the unlikely class reunion

If the point was to bring everyone home again, wouldn’t it have made a lot more sense to have Katherine and Casey going to CRU Law from the beginning, and Ashleigh working as ZBZ house mother?

I realize it probably doesn’t do anyone any good to put undue pressure on the show, but with just a handful of episodes left Greek doesn’t really have that much room to mess around. With that in mind, what was up with last night’s episode?

Actually, that would perhaps give the fourth season a bit too much credit. The real question is, what’s up with this season and the story lines it plans to explore? Is this really the best that the show’s swan song has to offer?

I’m not sure if any of you cheered when Ashleigh showed up at the ZBZ house, but it was obvious that she was on the run — who would fire an unpaid intern who just goes on coffee runs? What could be gained from letting them go? At the same time, we’ve known all along that Ashleigh’s never acted her age. In fact, the end of last season was really the first time she seemed to put much thought to life beyond college. With such shoddy foundation, I never really bought her “maturity” in the first place. The coffee run she never returned from just went to reinforce that theory.

And I never really put much stock in Casey being all “what am I going to be when I grow up” either. Her leaps to Washington and then to law school were absurd, and also comically easy for someone wholly unqualified for those things. But I’ve been willing to accept her efforts to find a path in life.

In exchange, I expected better than first the manner in which she got accepted to CRU Law, and now her outsider status at school. Could Elle Woods sue for plagiarism?

Plus now Evan’s back to being the villain, a cloak that never fit too well on his playboy shoulders. Feeling vulnerable and cut off from his family legacy, would Evan really lock out the one true friend he can rely on having in law school? Upon reflection maybe I’d rather not see him and Cappie reconcile.

Calvin and Cappie’s story was pretty weird, too. I hate to say it, but if Cappie “trying” is going to mean a whole lot of judging by Casey, maybe he’s better off not bothering. Not that he shouldn’t be doing it for himself, but he’s obviously not ready for that yet, so if Casey’s not going to allow the guy to also be himself….

Rusty’s lesson-of-the-week from Pledge Spidey was dumb, as was what led him to learn it. Daley pledging the fraternity that made his best friend miserable for two years is an unlikelihood just as poorly scripted as Rusty chasing after Dale in an attempt to save him from Omega Chi. And Dana’s Murder Manor sucked.

And let’s not forgot the BIG surprise … the return of Katherine (Nora Kirkpatrick) to CRU, because suddenly the fictional school has not only a top polymer science program and law school but also a premium business school … right.

The only good thing about the entire episode? When Rusty and Dana came into the apartment and said they’d spent the weekend watching a Lost marathon — they made a list of all the unanswered questions the show left us with. You think?

Greek Dales a rat? [51ow3t0tivL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek Dales a rat? [61ILAA QyDL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek Dales a rat? [51DU6uQgstL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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One Response to “Greek – The case of the unlikely class reunion”

February 1, 2011 at 1:57 PM

I’m watching this episode now On Demand.

The episodes have been fine, funny and entertaining. But yeah there are only several episodes left and “Where are they going” is coming up a lot.

Plus three of the four older characters are lame (Cappie is the only good one) and I wish they were gone.

However Spiderman is really cute. :)

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