I was really impressed by the beginning, which showed how each of them became what they are. Each piece is brief and silent, save for a narrative about death from Sally. It’s a perfect example of “show, don’t tell”; we see just enough for it to be memorable, but the scenes also left plenty to be filled in later. In particular, we find out Aiden was originally bitten and left for dead by Bishop during the American Revolution … how Bishop convinced him to join the evil vampires will have to wait for another day, I suppose. We also get closure to the cliffhanger from the last episode; Aiden gets to Josh in time and pulls his sister from the room. There’s a great moment where Josh looks back in gratitude at his friend before succumbing to the madness. His sister assumes Josh is mentally ill like their mother and also mentions a fiancee he left behind.
The moments with Sally trying to communicate with Danny helped build her story (since she still can’t go outside). Props go to Gianpaolo Venuta for believably acting like he couldn’t see Sally in the room. I really liked how Aiden found a way to have Danny talk about Sally because he knew that’s what she needed to hear. Aiden also mentioned liking the house, but said it so she knew he was really talking about her. It was a lovely scene and shows what a good person he is. Of course, the very next scene focused on Aiden fighting his “nocturnal instincts” for Kara’s neck. The contrast between the two sides of the character just shows us how much the guy struggles every day. He’s quickly becoming the most fascinating character in this show about modern monsters.
OK, I officially don’t like Rebecca. As much as she is trying to act like a badass post-death, she reminds me more of teenage girls who try to act badass and just end up looking like spoiled brats. She even whines how her father didn’t love her. Really? Daddy didn’t love you, so you’re going to be pure evil? Really? Don’t get me wrong — I did pity her at first, and I can understand why she’d be angry at Aiden for just leaving her bleeding out, but within a few days of being a vampire she’s talking about eating her nieces and nephews! What did they ever do to you?!
So, we get to the shocker of the episode … namely, my prediction last week was wrong. Not only is Kara just a girl with a crush on Aiden, but she dies thanks to Rebecca, the vampire with daddy issues. Probably the most interesting part of the episode is when Josh begs Aiden to save her from death. Aiden knows that to save her, he’ll have to make her a vampire, and he just can’t do it. It’s only at the very, very end of the episode that Josh understands that by allowing her to die, Aiden saved her from an eternity of his hell on earth.
So, I was off on Kara as the vengeful assassin. It was kind of a long shot, I admit. I’m still pretty sure Danny killed Sally, but we’ll just have to keep watching to find out, won’t we?
yeah i initially thought danny killed sally but i’m not so sure now
the episode was really good im liking it more with each viewing
Show seems to be following its original BBC counterpart pretty closely. This episode…I don’t know, I just didn’t like it as much as the first one, maybe because I knew what was going to happen, who knows.
I definitely prefer Annie over Sally though. When portrayed in the original series there was more of a likeable charm about Annie the ghost that I am just not getting from Sally in this series. I feel like I am watching an actress playing a role as opposed to watching a character in this new interpretation of the ghost.
Another problem I have with the show is sorta one I had with the original which is the vampire’s treatment of werewolves, specifically treating them like dogs. I don’t know why but in the original series as in this version, it always seemed off and never made much sense, yes werewolves are essentially wolves/dogs but they can also FUCKING EAT VAMPIRES. If anything vampires should despise them yes but, taunting…yeah not so much.
I don’t know I am in for another episode, as there are a lot of things in this series that work but, it really needs to pull me in next ep.
So far this series has closely followed the original, as has been mentioned, but it is supposed to begin its own course soon. I’m liking the show much more than I thought I would since I’ve basically seen much of what’s transpired before having watched the original British version.
I am very curious about how Sally truly met her end in this series. I hope its something original, but even if it turns out just like the original it will be interesting to see the different quirks tacked on to it.
I’m with Nick in not liking the vampires looking at werewolves as nothing more than dogs. Sure, taunt the wolf-boy, but don’t be surprised if he eats your ass when the moon is full. I began to wonder what it would be like if a vampire “turned” a werewolf. I’m sure that would be one messed up monster, but it would be interesting to see.
So far I really like this series and I even got my wife into it. For some reason I can never get her interested in British shows, but she loves the American counterparts; even the lesser “Life On Mars” was a favorite of hers. Try as I might I can’t get her to check out the originals. Her loss.
The new syfy series is awsome and aiden is hot
Also I feel bad for annie
when she finds out danny killed her