CliqueClack TV

Greek – Daley as Thomas Crown? I see it

Once we learned that Trip is Daley’s Big Brother, I figured Dale has to be in the Omega Chi house for a long con. Is there any other way to explain how Dale would have embraced the dark side so enthusiastically?

Nothing personal, but when Jonathan Silverman’s the guy giving Cappie sagely advice about life — and what sounded like a job offer — you know Greek‘s gone in an unusual direction. “The Single Guy” simply cannot be the voice of reason.

It may just be me, but something’s really off with this march-to-the-end season of Greek, last week’s awesome episode about Beaver notwithstanding. I have no clear understanding of what any of the characters are doing, or what their stories might be all about as we near the series finale.

Cappie’s trying to find himself, but we don’t see that as much as we’re told he’s doing it from time to time. And he’s the man, but sleeping with Casey when she was drunk was a terrible idea.

Rusty is … what? Fighting to keep the KT house afloat? Okay, except then I don’t see why the writers decided that Cappie would stay on as president. If he’s focused on his future, and Rusty’s focused on the house, why didn’t we see a passing of the torch already?

Pledge Spidey is there to allow Rusty to be for him what Cappie was for Rusty, but Spidey’s a bit too mouthy and confrontational for that. Plus Rusty never will be Cappie, unless he decides to drop his scholastic focus to spend more time building the legacy of the KTs. It’s cool that Spidey’s father created Joshua Whopper — the computer program that has single-handedly kept the KTs an academically eligible fraternity — but he really bugs me. I miss Andylicious. Plus, Mr. Parkes is paying $7,000 a month in pledge dues? Meaning, with a pledge class of let’s say twenty, each pledge would be paying $350 a month, or more than four thousand dollars per year for dues? That doesn’t sound right.

I have no idea what’s going on with Casey and Ashleigh — they lived together for two or three years, so what’s the problem now? — nor do I know why Evan and Casey seem to be competing ruthlessly for the favor of one professor out of the many that they obviously have. And why in the world is Rebecca back to being such a horrible person, a persona she’d seemingly left behind a season or two ago? I just don’t get it.

But this being Greek, there of course were moments of enjoyment. Daley being all squirrelly with first Rusty and then Cappie was awesome; I loved how he was suspiciously watching The Thomas Crown Affair, and what that ended up meaning.

Stealing the goat was okay, although I was left wondering what “A&M” they kept on referring to. Clearly it wasn’t Texas, but since when has there been a rival school practically next door? And how is it that CRU can be both one of the top ten party schools and also have an elite system of graduate programs? Seems a bit too convenient (and unlikely).

I loved that scene between Heath and Calvin, where Heath blew all of his secrets in one shot. But the character’s consistency is all over the place. Since the show started he’s gone from being somewhat thick to pre-med to really dumb … couldn’t he just be bright but not a sharer? Or why not stick with the dumb thing in the first place?

Speaking of, how is it that Heath’s sister Heather (Caitlin Thompson) is Rebecca’s number one pledge? Seriously, does she keep ignoring the fact that Heather’s legacy is as the sister of a KT? What am I missing there?

And what am I missing with this season? Does anyone get what the show’s doing, or where things are headed?

Greek The all singing, all dancing Beaver [51ow3t0tivL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek The all singing, all dancing Beaver [61ILAA QyDL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek The all singing, all dancing Beaver [51DU6uQgstL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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6 Responses to “Greek – Daley as Thomas Crown? I see it”

February 1, 2011 at 3:26 PM

I think they should start referring to Casey as the house MILF.

February 1, 2011 at 5:14 PM

It would make a ton more sense if Ashleigh was the house mother, wouldn’t it?

I still say Elle Woods should sue.

February 1, 2011 at 5:14 PM

Dont forget Ashleigh getting all shifty when Rusty is getting mentioned. Am I the only person who seems to think the writers are taking the “Sister’s Friend” route, cause feels like a bit of the cop out to me.

February 1, 2011 at 5:18 PM

Their fling is definitely coming. Between Dana being cleared out, last week’s extra long Ashleigh/Rusty hug, and Ashleigh talking about her bad taste in men recently, I’m 100% with you that their coupling is around the corner. I’d rather it be a real relationship though, because can you imagine Ashleigh seeking one-night-stand comfort in Rusty’s bed?

February 2, 2011 at 12:31 AM

While it would be nice to see them both get together with people they actually like. I think that the story of Greek has been about Rusty growing up. And I think Dating one of your sister’s best friends is a big step in the wrong direction. Though I would understand it, they have chemistry and he would treat her right (what she is looking for). So, she is going to make a bad decision with the Law Professor then run to Rusty.

February 1, 2011 at 5:30 PM

Haha! Also, I was amused that the law professor asked Ashleigh if he could buy her a drink in practically the same breath that she told him she was 2 years old when he graduated college!

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