American Idol – The cliffhanger of all cliffhangers
All I want to know is this: How. Many. Times. Did. We. Have. To. Hear. JLo. Say. "I don't want to do this anymore." on 'Idol' last night?!? Which brings up today's poll. ...
- Season 10, Episode 11 - "Las Vegas & Eliminations"

Will JLo return tonight on American Idol … ?!??!
The suspense is killing me …

Photo Credit: FOX
Some posts that may be related to this:
I was annoyed by that, as well. Typical AI, though.
What a whiner. She’s getting paid plenty to dash the hopes and dreams of contestants.
Didja notice the diamond encrusted golf ball on her finger as she raised her dainty paw to dab her eyes with a tissue?
Cliff hanger my tuchus
. . . . .
Marissa: Play along!
Isn’t she getting paid like 12 million dollars to sit on her ass?
I go with…
I don’t give a hoot because *I’ve* had enough. Of course she will! She’s under contract!
Of course she will be back she has a contract!!!
I am tired of the tears that is all I can say about that. You were hired to send some through and send some home so put on your big girl panties and just do the job.
By the end I was in tears too!
I wonder if she even even really watched the show before, cuz if she had, she woulda known just how hard it is to send people home!
We’ve gone from hard ass, tell it like it is Simon, to snot nosed cry baby Jlo! Don’t get me wrong, I like her, I’m just thinkin maybe this is not the job for her!
Oh and Gina, I’m betting maybe if Jlo wore panties, and not a thong there MIGHT be a few less tears – JUST SAYIN :)
I wonder how many times her husband has heard that phrase.
I note, here, Mr. Noble, that there is not an appropriate Poll choice for me here.
. . . . .
And that particular poll choice would be what, Good Sir West?
I clicked the wrong post?
Death to reality television?
Happy happy joy joy?
I kept waiting for her to look down and see a caterpillar in her tissue, jump up screaming, only to realize it was just one of her fake eyelashes. Personally, I thought that would have been a bang up way to end last night’s show.
ah come on is she never get rejected? or how’s this she can help the looser one then :)