CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – From death comes life

Paul tries to block Beth's last wishes by denying Susan her kidney donation, but an unlikely source makes Paul have second thoughts.

- Season 7, Episode 17 - "Everything's DIfferent, Nothing's Changed"

Paul talks to Felicia about Beth's suicide

So it’s been a couple of weeks since there was a new Desperate Housewives and what does ABC do — again — with a new episode? Yes, they scheduled it to air against another awards show. Pretty much the only awards show the housewives haven’t had to face was the Academy Awards, and that’s only because the shows are on the same network. And to make matters worse, the show is pre-empted next week! I’m sure they’re doing this on purpose to drive the ratings down in order to avoid massive pay raises for the leads. At least after next week, there will be all-new episodes until the season finale.

This week was just a so-so episode. Lynette and Tom had another argument, this time about a job offer that Tom didn’t want to take out of loyalty to Carlos even though it included a huge bump in pay and perks. Lynette became the alpha male in the relationship again and cajoled Tom until he finally stood his ground and told her he was not going to consider the offer. What does she do then? Takes a brand new sports car for a test drive and parks it in Carlos’ driveway to make Tom think Carlos bought the $70,000 car after telling Tom he couldn’t afford to give him a raise. Tom was furious at Carlos and accepted the job offer, then was even more furious when he found out he had been tricked but all it took was a ride in the car to convince him he made the right decision. Really?

Bree’s son Andrew returned, and unfortunately he showed up at the wrong house. Mrs. McClusky found herself with an unexpected guest when a drunk Andrew invited himself into her house, and when Bree learned that Andrew’s drinking had increased to such levels that it was harming his relationship she tried to get him to go to an AA meeting that became more of an attack on her parenting than an acceptance of a problem. But it looks like their mother-son relationship has turned a corner as Andrew finally sat down and talked to Bree about everything he’s been going through.

I have no idea where this Spring Fling event that Renee and Gaby were throwing came from, but with the news of Beth’s condition hitting Wisteria Lane no one was really in the mood for a party … no one except for Renee. Even after Gaby pulled out, she still forged ahead and filled her house with gardeners and pool cleaners. Gaby finally got Renee to talk about what was going on and learned that Renee’s mother had committed suicide and that the Spring Fling was her way of getting over the sadness, so she had no inclination to spend a minute mourning Beth.

The real juiciness of this episode came as Paul learned of Beth’s suicide attempt and Susan (and her friends) learned of her impending kidney donation. But when Paul found out that Beth had donated her organs and that the kidney was going to Susan, he refused to let the procedure go on because he felt Susan didn’t deserve it because she had never been on friendly terms with Beth. Susan actually agreed even though Mike wanted to go to court over the matter. The best part of the episode came as Paul went to the prison to see Felicia and she told him they were both responsible for Beth’s death because they both used her and tossed her out when she didn’t live up to their expectations. Harriet Sansom Harris was terrific in that scene and had some great dialog. In the end, Felicia actually made Paul have a change of heart and he told Susan that she was going to get the kidney. When he broke down, you almost felt sorry for the guy but, as I predicted, Felicia found her way out of jail — her daughter’s death led to an early parole and the look on her face clearly said that Paul Young still has a price to pay not only for what he did to her sister, but now for what happened to Beth. I’m up in the air now about Paul’s fate. Will Felicia succeed in killing him, or will he be able to fight back and either kill her or prove that she’s trying to kill him? Only time will tell.

“Get your ass over here. I got something that belongs to you. Little hint — it reeks of Mai Tais and you gave birth to it.” – Mrs. McClusky to Bree after finding Andrew passed out on her couch

“If I wanted a drunk homo on my couch, I would have married my college boyfriend.” – Mrs. McClusky

“My social life is not going to come to a stop just because some cuckoo bird decided to clean her ears with a handgun.” – Renee

Photo Credit: ABC

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