CliqueClack TV

America’s Next Top Model: Does this outfit make me look crazy?

Fashion and photo shoots take a backseat to drama and backstabbing and tears. It's just like being back in middle school. Without the hormones.

- Season 16, Episode 7 - "Eric Daman"

Well, wasn’t that fun? I turned in to the CW to watch my favorite model competition reality show (yes, this is the only model competition reality show on the telly right now, at least to my knowledge. Enough said.), but apparently I missed the show and time traveled back to my middle school lunchroom. Complete with catfights and immature comments and snotty attitudes. Please pass the Clearasil and share the Bubble Yum, y’all.

The drama drama drama amongst the contestants — and then the judging panel — completely overshadowed the usual competitive goings-on. It’s too bad, because one of the photo shoots focused on a cause that is not only important, but near and dear to my heart — Ford Warriors in Pink, a partner with Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The ladies modeled Warriors in Pink fashions while representing what I think were Warriors in Pink symbols in photos shot by resident ANTM hunk Nigel Barker. Alexandria was deemed the winner of this challenge, reaping the rewards that included appearing in a national ad for Ford Warriors in Pink, shooting a PSA for the program … and receiving a 2012 Ford Focus. You could watch the rest of the girls turn from Warriors in Breast Cancer Pink to Harpies in Envious Green as she was praised by Nigel for her work. Lead Alex-Hater Brittani rather snapped, thanks to these events, and after expressing her dissent in what can only be described as a terrible stage whisper, engaged Alexandria in a verbal showdown that was witnessed not only by Nigel, but the Ford sponsors as well. Uncool, girls.

After presumably an evening’s worth of the silent treatment and impassioned confessionals from both sides of the We Hate Alexandria debate, Miss J woke the house up early (before 7 am!) for a field trip to Universal Studios, where the judged photo shoot took place on set pieces from the movie Psycho. So fitting, given the backstage issues. The producers couldn’t have planned this any better if they had tried. With photographer Miguel Starcevich behind the camera and guest judge/Gossip Girl stylist Eric Daman helming the wardrobe, the girls were charged with depicting being “crazy” about specific fashion-related things such as shoes, sales and accessories. Forget all that though — the real action was at this week’s panel. We were treated to Nigel’s call out of Brittani for her behavior on the Ford set, Miss Tyra’s chastising of Brittani for not knowing when to keep her mouth shut in a professional situation, Brittani’s tearful breakdown/panic attack and Alexandria’s emergence as the combo hero/villain of the catwalk. Madness! Chaos! Tears! Trainwreck!

Jaclyn’s very Baby Jane-inspired crazy-for-makeup photo was deemed best of the week, with Mikaela and Brittani falling in the bottom two. Miss Tyra pontificated on how she really only has one vote/voice on the judging panel and that her vote was outvoted. Or something. The one photo left in her hands was that of Brittani, who is (by the skin of her chinny chin chin), still barely in the running to be America’s Next Top Model. Mikaela and her amazing bone structure headed home and more drama was left to brew for another day. Lucky us.

Quotes of the night:

“I don’t think when I look in the camera. I just do.” – Brittani
“What does that mean?” – Nigel

“Ahhhh. Psycho. This movie terrorized my black ass for life.” –  Miss J

Photo Credit: The CW

One Response to “America’s Next Top Model: Does this outfit make me look crazy?”

April 7, 2011 at 9:52 PM

Not to excuse Brittani’s scene in the photoshoot, but Alexandria has made in my opinion more unexcusable things in the set, so i though that they were a little to hard on Brittani, while Alexandria got to walked off as the winner, that in my opinion was not fair!!! :)

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