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30 Rock – Plastic bags and Kim Jong-Il

Coming off it's big 100th episode, '30 Rock' got a little dark this week with an international kidnapping and Liz falling into obsession over a plastic bag.

- Season 5, Episode 22 - "Everything Sunny All the Time Always"

After last week’s giant sized 100th episode of 30 Rock, I’m not that surprised that this week felt a little flat. It was far from a bad episode, but Liz going insane over a plastic bag just didn’t bowl me over. I did enjoy  Jack’s subplot with Avery’s kidnapping, though, and Tracy’s reunion with his entourage was also pretty good.

The episode left me wondering about the fate of Avery. Is the show really just going to leave her over in North Korea, married to the son of Kim Jong-Il? I was fully expecting the story of her kidnapping to be resolved by the end of the episode, especially when Jack sought help from one of his high powered exes (which gave us a great cameo from former secretary of state Condoleeza Rice). Their relationship was a running joke through the first season of the show, and this was a great call back. I’m a little surprised that she agreed to be on the show, but it was totally worth it just to hear her proclaim that Mars Attacks! is awesome. I also thought it was pretty hilarious that Margaret Cho was brought on to play Kim Jong-Il.

Meanwhile, as Jack was trying to get his wife back, Liz was busy obsessing over a plastic bag stuck in a tree outside her apartment. I love Tina Fey, but this whole plot just didn’t work for me. It was nice to see Liz try to get her life together (and the scene of her cleaning out her apartment with Jenna was pretty funny), but it wasn’t enough to bring it all together.

Finally, there was Tracy reconnecting with his entourage after his extended absence. I liked seeing Tracy get back to his insane, spoiled antics, interacting with Grizz and Dot Com. I really love when Kenneth is with the entourage too. I think Kenneth works best there as a character, and some of his funniest moments come dealing with Tracy. I’m glad he’s back.

Some of my favorite quotes:

Mars Attacks! is awesome!” – Condoleeza Rice

“You know what Mr. Bag? I will have a nice day. I’m gonna hang you in my kitchen and fill you with other bags. You will eat your family!” – Liz, to the plastic bag stuck in a tree

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein/NBC Universal

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “30 Rock – Plastic bags and Kim Jong-Il”

April 30, 2011 at 12:52 PM

I almost fell off the couch when I realized that was Margaret Cho as Kim Jong-Il. That was brilliant casting! And the musical duel was hilarious, especially when the flute flew out of Jack’s hands. And I’m with Condi – Mars Attacks IS awesome!

April 30, 2011 at 1:11 PM

I’m quite fond of the movie as well.

April 30, 2011 at 10:03 PM

I’m going to miss Avery. (The implication of this episode is that she’s stuck in North Korea permanently, right?)

May 1, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Last week, future Jack stated he was no longer married to Avery and that modern day Jack would find out why later. Either last week was a random reference or this is the catalyst -

May 1, 2011 at 7:56 PM

That is a good catch. On this show, I’d be more willing to bet that the inevitable breakup will be a result of some other unpredictable event. On a show that specializes in being indiscriminately absurd, Avery could earn her release or escape, but as a changed woman — perhaps one with greater affection or admiration for Richard Nixon than Ronald Reagan. Jack could have turned on Avery the moment she said capitalism is flawed.

I think I preferred the Liz versus Bag storyline more than the Tracey entourage “Smooth move, Ferguson” scenes.

Favorite lines:

“You people have too much money.” – Nanny

“President InterBush” – Jack (referring to President Clinton)

“The wind, rustling against my genitals. That’s right … bags have genitals.”

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