CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice – The men lose by winning

A hair show? Huh? Here’s what I imagined: models in capes walking down the runway as stylists follow close behind them cutting and sculpting their hair. Also known by its competition name, "Speed Shearing."

- Season 11, Episode 9 - "Shear Madness"

I felt rather lost during last night’s episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, and not just because the last fifteen minutes were preempted by the news. A hair show? Is that a thing? Well, apparently it is, although I’m not convinced that The Apprentice didn’t host the first and last one ever.

Not only that, but how about NeNe, ladies and gentlemen? Crazy much? What annoyed me the most was how much time we had to spend on her nutty, her crazy talking heads, and her in the boardroom. Some call it entertaining drama, but I was bored.

John Rich made an interesting play by bringing Niki Taylor in to help the guy’s team, but I don’t think for the reasons that he thought. Granted it took the women by surprise — although it didn’t seem to shake them at all — but how was it a “no brainer” to use her? Is she known for her killer hair? Did she spend more than five seconds on stage? I didn’t think the bump would come from having her in the show … instead I expected her presence to really be rubbed in the women’s faces. Without that, bringing her in was kind of a waste of everyone’s time.

And how stupid was “Shake your beauty,” the women’s theme? Not only would wildly shaking your hair all over not sell hair products, but the women didn’t really even use the idea. And it was almost as nonsensical as last week’s “Individual elegance, collective luxury” miss from Star.

I thought La Toya’s meeting with Trump was hilarious. She failed to articulate any reason for his giving her a second chance, and yet at the same time it was obvious that she’d get back in. So when the men won the task — I loved how Trump still said it was close after the men were handed one negative and the women close to a dozen — I knew that they were about to get saddled with La Toya. Let’s be clear: she didn’t deserve to go last week (thanks for the help, Michael!), but other than Hope she was the weak link on the show, so what possible reason was there for allowing her back? I would have loved for one of the men to say, “No thanks. Who else do you have?”

Once the men left everything went downhill. The arguments only devolved, but not without a lot of help from Ivanka dumping on Hope. I could sense that the Trump-et had been assigned the task of losing the dead weight. I mean, sure, why cut Star or NeNe (each deserved to be fired at least once these last two weeks) when we can sit through their inanity some more?

But if you care to evaluate precedence, how about this: first of all, Gary was finally cut to restore the peace on the men’s team. For that reason alone either Star or NeNe should have been toast. But if that doesn’t do it for you, there’s also the following to consider: Hope was fired for the same non-reason as La Toya was last week. Does that mean we’ll be seeing Hope back to beg next week?

And how about Marlee? What in the world did she do wrong to deserve both NeNe and Star for at least another week? I’d love to see Jack Jason, Marlee’s interpreter, sign “Forget it” at some point and let Marlee sit there in blissful peace. That would be hilarious.

Photo Credit: NBC

One Response to “The Celebrity Apprentice – The men lose by winning”

May 2, 2011 at 2:33 PM

Are there any interpreters watching the show? I was wondering if Marlee’s interpreter was using a sign language equivilant to a “beep” when Ne Ne was cussing out Star?

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