CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – Romeo, oh Romeo. Fare thee well, Romeo!

A guest judge. Tears and spangles, and some asides about bin Laden's death. You get it all on Dancing With the Stars, don't you?

- Season 12, Episode 13 - "Season 12, Episode 13"

There’s Romeo and his partner Chelsie. He’s never really thrilled me. As most of you know who have ever read my articles, I can take only so much “swagga” and ego from people who can’t back it up. Then I get a bit snarly. Romeo definitely brought the “party in his pants” portion to his dance this week, but it wasn’t a Samba in any sense of the word. And having said that, I hope he doesn’t know where I live, as he himself has an amazingly lovely view of himself. I’m thinking he’s finally going to grind his way home. But with these shows, we never know who’s voting. At least Dancing With the Stars limits your voting proportionately to how many stars are left, so it’s not a total free for all. Unlike Chelsie and Romeo’s dances. I always feel slightly dirty (and not in a good way) after watching them. Ick. (A technical dancing critique term.)

Kirstie and Maks were also in the bottom tonight, and I understand why. She’s hella entertaining, but as we get down to it, you have to be able to dance sweetie. Really, I love them, both on and off the floor. And I could understand the shoe incident and the fall, but when you admit you just forget the steps because you’re distracted by “acting the character,” then I’ve got to wonder if you’ve got your eye on the prize. Or are distracted by kissing Maks, and completely do a thirteen year old girl giggle-fest in your mind. And hey, if that’s the case, I really don’t blame her. He’s a flaming tamale.

Chelsea and Mark: Before I say anything else, were my eyes deceiving me or did Mark make numerous obscene “hand gestures” about the judges on his way back to get their scores. They were motions usually used to convey a certain thing done by a man’s hands to bring about … oh forget it. He can do it, but I can’t write about it.

If so, how freaking juvenile. Again, these two remain my favorites, but personally, Mark as a person isn’t really my cuppa. I appreciate him as a choreographer, and that’s about it.

Kendra and Louis: Wow. After last week’s shake-a-thon, it was much better. I can still see her nerves, but I’d be nervous too. She won’t go the whole way though. Unless maybe she pulls out a boob for Len. Wardrobe malfunction!

Ralph and Karina: Poor Ralph can’t win with these judges. Either he’s too stiff, or his torso and arms are too relaxed. I actually thought he did his best this week. (And to be fair, I’ve been hard on him too. But here comes the Dork on the outside!)

Hines and Kym: He’s cute. He continues to get good scores. He’s likable. So why don’t I like him? Hines is like my new Chris Jericho. I’m so difficult sometimes.

And Tom Bergeron? Nice patriotic asides (i.e. “We Americans have shown ourselves to be good at a few things these last couple of days.”) And my favorite — when guest judge Donnie Burns said he was acting like the bin Laden of dancing … “I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but he ain’t dancing anymore.”

So … you know who I’d like to see ease on down the road. What about you?





Photo Credit: ABC

14 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – Romeo, oh Romeo. Fare thee well, Romeo!”

May 3, 2011 at 11:21 AM

Oh my goodness….A bunch of us were watching Dancing with the Stars and no one but me noticed Mark’s obscene hand gesture and I have a 72″ tv. So I stopped it and rewound it and to everyone’s horror on national tv, he defenitelly did the most demeaning of all hand gestures. There was absolutely no question of what gesture he had done. I have two sons his age and I would have been mortified if my son did that, much less on national tv.

May 3, 2011 at 2:05 PM

I’m glad you saw it too Terri. At first I said to my husband “Oh no he didn’t!” But my trusty DVR said, yes. He did.

May 3, 2011 at 5:12 PM

I missed it, and deleted the episode after watching, but I can believe it! With his mom in the audience, even! *shakes head*

May 3, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Shake-a-thon we want more shake-a-thons! :-)

May 3, 2011 at 5:48 PM

I’ll bet you do, bronsont! ;)

May 3, 2011 at 4:19 PM

I didn’t want to “influence” you last night when I said I couldn’t wait to read your critique on DWTS…but…you said you had already submitted it. BUT….was SOOOOO glad you saw the hand jesters. Hubby backed it up and replayed it as well and surrrrrrrr enough.

May 3, 2011 at 5:51 PM

Kinda tacky, eh Mikki? So that means, they didn’t bother to edit it on the West Coast. Interesting …

May 3, 2011 at 5:20 PM

Romeo was not doing the Samba bounce; I’m sorry kid, you may be full of yourself, but that’s not going to fly at this stage of the game, and Chelsie should know better. Buh-bye!

Kirstie… I thought the goofing around at first was an act, but honestly it didn’t get much better. And WTH was that tulle tutu for? Almost as hideous as the chocolate dress last week. No bueno.

Kendra was ok technically, but was missing the Tango passion / love/hate thing.

I wouldn’t mind seeing any of these three going home this week.

Not looking fwd to Nikki Minaj *shudder* but at least there’s some Wayne Brady tonight too.

May 3, 2011 at 5:23 PM

I didn’t see that but a lot of times I am doing other things while the judges are talking. So, I check it out on youtube but I still didn’t see it. Anyway, I did think Bruno was being even more ridiculous than usual. Does everyone have to agree with him? I mean just because Len and the guest judge have a different opinion he yells at them. That pretty immature too.

I am thinking Kirstie goes home but, as you said, you never know with these shows. And I love to watch her and Maks but she doesn’t seem to be trying as hard as the others.

Good review!

May 3, 2011 at 5:49 PM

Believe me, Kirstie was no day at the beach, but I think she and Maks still have a following that will keep them alive. This week, at least. I agree with you Lisana. I wouldn’t miss any of the 3 you’ve chosen.

May 3, 2011 at 5:30 PM

. . . . .

<——– has no idea what jesters you're talking about

I do know, however, there happen to be a lot of "Bozos" on this season …

May 3, 2011 at 7:15 PM

TOTALLY saw the wankerisms. He’s a cocky schmuck.

Love kirstie, but her partying is taking a toll. I read their tweets.

May 3, 2011 at 8:43 PM

I saw the episode on the dancing with the stars site and you can totally see the disgusting hand gestures. it’s sad. his mother was in the audience and he makes it all about him instead of his partner. his partner is the star not him. he needs to get over himself.

May 3, 2011 at 11:51 PM

surprised by the results but I won’t miss her.

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