CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Visiting family members re-energize the players

An emotional episode brings family members to the island, and an intense immunity challenge nearly kills Rob.

- Season 22, Episode 12 - "You Mangled My Nets"

The immunity challenge nearly kills Rob

Not a whole lot of surprises on this week’s Survivor but there certainly were some interesting developments. One of my favorite parts of the series took place this week as the tribe members received videos from home … not only the Murlonio/Ometepe Six, but the four Redemption Island castaways as well. After all the game play, backstabbing and blindsides it’s nice to see everyone come out of game mode for a few minutes and show their real selves. It always brings a tear to my eye.

Redemption Island had an interesting twist this week, not because the winner had a huge decision to make but because it seemed like Steve had flat out given up. As Mike, Matt and Ralph played the break the tile game to the best of their abilities, Steve just seemed to be lightly tossing the metal ball at no specific target. Even more strange was that he didn’t even get a parting video commentary as he left the game. I was almost thinking he wouldn’t show up at Tribal with the other jury members.

With Mike’s first place win in the challenge, he made what Ralph perceived as a strategic move by giving the six main players a chance to spend time with their loved ones over his own mother and Ralph’s and Matt’s visitors. Ralph was not happy, Matt said he couldn’t have done it, and Mike swears it was just the right thing to do. But if he gets back in the game, will it score him some points?

Back at camp, even while everyone else was spending time having fun with their guests, Rob was still playing the game, telling his sister his strategy with Phillip. But Phillip doesn’t seem to really have a clue because he thinks that by playing the villain, he’ll get to the finals and will then be able to talk himself into a million bucks. Seriously? And Rob is worried about that? Phillip has pissed off so many people that he has no chance at scoring one vote, let alone four to win. Even within his tribe, there is too much animosity for him to talk his way into a win.

This week’s immunity challenge was pretty awesome and intense. I have to wonder just how long it took to build those steps. It was a pretty impressive piece of work, and it was grueling for the players in the sweltering heat. It looked like Rob’s target, Andrea, was going to power through but several mistakes in bringing the wrong plank set her behind and gave Rob the lead with Grant close behind. It was agony watching Rob barely get to that last step and I really thought Grant was going to overtake him at the end. And for an episode that was already emotional with the family visit, it was even more emotional watching Rob try to overcome the heat and exhaustion after the challenge.

Rob’s biggest problem now is keeping the peace at camp and not completely blindsiding every other tribe mate. Andrea got the boot this week even though she felt completely safe, so would she consider a vote for Rob in the finals? She was completely clueless that she had been a huge target since her remarks about feeling sorry for Matt, so will the betrayal be Rob’s undoing? Rob also has another problem in that he’s stacked the jury with Zapatera tribe members. If Mike comes back in the game and makes it to the finals, will Zapatera vote for one of its own out of loyalty or anger for being outplayed by Rob? I hope that if Rob does make it to the finals, the jury members can vote with their heads and not with their emotions because no one has played the game as hard and as well as he has this season.

Photo Credit: CBS

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