CliqueClack TV

House – You’re an idiot

This was the worst episode of 'House' so far this season -- will the writers be able to dig themselves out of the gaping hole they just created for themselves with only two more episodes left to the season?

- Season 7, Episode 21 - "The Fix"

You know what this feels like? Almost every season on House, we get some bizarre, contrived storyline in the middle of the season. It takes us out of the formula, annoys the stuffing out of me and then we’re right back where we left off after the whole stupid departure is done with. Season one, it was the whole Chi McBride thing, then one of the seasons was that cop with a vengeance trying to get House into rehab … you know which storylines I mean. This one is just coming a little late in the season.

It annoys me because House writers are so much better than this. I’m not sure where the pressure comes from, to have this mini-arc that supposedly makes us all go, “Oooooo!” when really all we want is to have House and Wilson chasing chickens through the hospital and to have Foreman and Taub playing video games, doing their Bert and Ernie thing. I could also stand to watch House become a person of great depth, and continue to grow like he did over the last two seasons. What I don’t think I can stand is another stupid storyline that takes us away from everything we love about House.

House is an idiot and an ass, both of which he was called in this episode. We get it, really we do. We also get that he is seriously damaged by his breakup with Cuddy, and who can blame him — he put a lot out there and ended up losing again. Is he really stupid enough to think that fixing his leg will fix his life? We’ve been down that road before … it’s not his cure for happiness. On the contrary, happiness is the cure for his leg pain.  House has grown enough to know it’s not his leg that needs fixing, so stop going there.

The rest of this episode was boring which greatly disappoints me in a season I’ve really been enjoying. Guess what? I don’t care about the dead rat — why? Because it’s contrived and you know House isn’t going to die and that when the mini-arc is over everything will be back to normal. I’m sure Thirteen could find some explanation for all of this that has something to do with karma, but right now, I want to know why I’m being punished with a crappy ending to a great season. Is right — are there only two more episodes left this season to fix what the writers just broke?


Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | House | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “House – You’re an idiot”

May 9, 2011 at 11:11 PM

Yep it was horrible, however I’m starting to like 13. She seems to have figured out how to act when she was gone, and the writers have made it clear she is the only one they care to give a meaningful character too.

What has been the point of the show since the end of season 4 or the crazy episode in season 5? i haven’t figured it out. Thankfully maybe the writers will end the show next season.

June 30, 2011 at 12:01 PM

Merci pour votre article. J’ai également de parler cette thèmatique via mon blog. J’ai du coup ajouter un lien vers ce billet.

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