CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Inner demons

Not much happened on an insanely boring episode of 'Survivor,' but Brandon Hantz is starting to become a bit worrisome.

- Season 23, Episode 2 - "He Has Demons"

Brandon admits to Coach that he's Russell's nephew on "Survivor"

So did anyone watch Survivor tonight, or were all TVs tuned to Fox’s The X-Factor debut?

If I were a betting man, I’d say CBS had a pretty good idea that’s where all the eyes would be tonight, so they gave us one of the most bland episodes I can remember over the course of 23 seasons. I mean, they didn’t even get to the immunity/reward challenge until almost halfway through the episode. If you didn’t watch, here’s what happened in a nutshell:

  • Cochran basically faded into the background while learning how to be a team player (I think we’d all prefer loose cannon Cochran who can hold Tribal Council hostage for over two hours … even though we only get seven minutes of it).
  • Coach feels a little more secure in his tribe with his alliance of five, plus Edna (who is the worst liar ever and may prove to be more of a liability unless Coach keeps her just outside of his alliance and uses her when needed).
  • Ozzy pretended to go fishing … but went fishing for the hidden immunity idol.  And found it.
  • Jimmy thinks he’s in control of the alliance that Ozzy is in control of.
  • Savaii had a stunning, come-from-behind victory in the immunity/reward challenge.
  • Christine was voted out — with the clue to the hidden immunity idol.

Of course, the focus of this episode was Brandon. After feeling a true bond with Coach, Brandon’s conscience got the best of him and he admitted that he was Russell’s nephew. Having flashbacks to Russell aligning with him then voting him out, Coach was a little taken aback, but he feels he can trust the kid.

It has been discussed in the past that editing plays a large part in how the contestants on these types of shows are portrayed. The producers and editors create a story based on the footage, and can and do manipulate the raw data to create “characters” — the saint, the sinner, the hero, the nutjob, the good girl, the bitch, etc. Listen to those interview sessions carefully because when there’s a cutaway to other footage, you can sometimes hear the audio edits to create what the producers want the person to say. They can be so sloppy sometimes that a person can start a sentence in one outfit and finish in another (I swear I just saw this happen on Top Chef Just Desserts)!

So what do we think of Brandon at this point? Last week, we got to see all of the leering through the palm fronds that was just more than a little creepy. Was it staged, or just a happy accident that the camera caught that? Interviews can be manipulated, but the things Brandon says during the course of the day can’t. Why is he so fixated on Mikayla? Last week he referred to her as Delilah and this week she’s Parvati! We haven’t seen her overtly using her feminine wiles around camp to wrap the men around her finger, but that’s all Brandon seems to see. His obsession with Mikayla is bordering on the scary.

When his tribe lost the challenge that was Brandon’s opportunity to start campaigning for Mikayla’s ouster, and he went full steam ahead, even convincing Christine and Stacey that he was voting for her, then telling Coach that the two had told him that’s who they were voting for. Coach brought the whole thing up at Tribal, Christine and Stacey vehemently denied they said any such thing (it was pointed out several times before and during Tribal that Mikayla had done nothing to even be considered), and Brandon finally spoke up that he was the one who set the lie in motion.

I know Coach didn’t trust Christine, but after seeing how hard Brandon played to get his own personal “Wicked City Woman” voted off the island, why on earth not cut him loose? Coach knows Brandon is trying to control that vote to get Mikayla out of the tribe, and everyone agrees she’s strong and needed right now, but Coach has also questioned Brandon’s inner demons and, knowing his other secret, it just doesn’t seem the smartest thing to keep the kid around to do more damage … or is he just going to be this season’s Phillip? What do you think?  Sound off below.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “Survivor – Inner demons”

September 22, 2011 at 6:00 PM

That poor kid needs some more time to grow emotionally and spirtually. I feel really bad for him.

September 22, 2011 at 8:05 PM

I didn’t find the episode boring. I was happy to find out more about some of the people who didn’t get a lot of play last week in lieu of the Coach and Ozzy Show (not that I mind that, either).

My primary thought watching this episode was how impressed I was with Albert (sp?). He stayed quiet at the right times, he was diplomatic, he’s strong, and he’s played well so far. He’s my early pick to win it all, if Ozzy’s tribe doesn’t dominate the immunity challenges.

Brandon is a loose cannon, and Coach can see that now. But he’s not bad-natured, so I don’t think Coach is going to give up on him. In the end, he was able to get him to vote for Christine, so he’s capable of getting his emotions under control when it comes to votes. You’d have to be a truly extreme liability (like super-racist Ben 2 seasons ago) to be voted out this early as a strong guy. Right now it’s all about winning challenges together. The excessive honesty is going to be the end of him down the line, though. Mikayla seems solid, and Coach wants her to stay, so it’ll be interesting to see if Brandon can get over his bad vibes.

The first four or five weeks are likely to be on the boring side with veterans leading the tribe. There really are obvious choices and Ozzy and Coach know enough to lead their respective alliance to oust the weaker players. I’m especially impressed with Coach’s social game this time around, though – and I’ve never been a fan of his before. The fact that Stacy and Christine, ostensibly allies, weren’t even certain of where to throw their votes, shows that Coach was keeping his crew locked down tight (even if we only got to see his awkward weirdness). Good for him. It will be interesting to see who among his oversized alliance makes the cut when the time comes. Edna and Brandon may be loyal to him, but they’ve got big downsides as well. I look forward to every episode.

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