CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Is Brandon getting a bad edit, or is he truly losing it?

It's hard to judge a book by its cover, and in the case of Brandon Hantz, you have to wonder if the guy is creepy and dangerous or is he just getting a bad edit?

- Season 23, Episode 3 - "Reap What You Sow"

Brandon Hantz of "Survivor: South Pacific"

I’ve been struggling with this Survivor post about as much as Brandon has been with his life on the island. I hate to judge a guy based on what I see on a reality TV show, because we all know by now that most of the “reality” we see is spoon-fed to us by producers who, perhaps, have lost confidence in their aging show. Sure, there has always been editorial manipulation to create “types,” but now that we’re more aware of it, it makes us question just about everything we see that isn’t part of the actual competition. But I don’t want to come off sounding like I’m against anyone’s religious beliefs either.

So I wonder … is Brandon Hantz getting a raw deal from the editing or is he truly becoming unhinged before our very eyes? I’m not an anti-religion person, but from what I’ve seen in today’s society, I sometimes feel that some religions prey on those people who need the help the most and turn them into scary zealots who begin to see evil and temptation in everyone and everything around them. Mikayla, as far as we know, has done nothing to Brandon except wear island appropriate clothing. She hasn’t been cozying up to all of the men on the tribe, yet Brandon sees her as a temptress. Why? I just fear that in seeking solace in his religious beliefs, he’s been taken advantage of along the way by those who should be helping him escape his past transgressions.

The fact that his last name is Hantz has also been a burden that he finally lifted when he told the tribe who he was. This only made Mikayla trust him even less, and gave Coach second thoughts about having the guy in his alliance. Luckily, he’s a strong competitor in challenges and the Upolu tribe did not have to make a return visit to Tribal Council. But, will Brandon’s downward spiral continue next week, or was the teaser just more sensationalism for ratings? I’m actually feeling sorry for the guy, because one way or another, he’s getting a raw deal.

Other episode highlights:

  • Christine wins the first Redemption Island challenge, but still has no clue that her brashness is what got her there in the first place.
  • Ozzy confided in Keith that he has the idol. Keith promptly confided in Whitney that Ozzy has the idol.
  • Mikayla confronts Brandon about his dislike of her, but he continued to lie that no one on the tribe trusts her — which didn’t go over too well with the tribe when he called a meeting to “expose” their real feelings.
  • Upolu won immunity and reward: coffees, teas, cookies and another clue.
  • Papa Bear and Cochran knew it was one or the other at Tribal, so Papa Bear made a mad dash into the jungle to try to find the idol, faked it, but still got voted out (perhaps because of Cochran’s sly way of throwing him under the bus by commenting about the trip into the jungle).
  • While casting his vote, Cochran says Papa Bear makes him anxious and he doesn’t need any more anxiety in his life.
  • “Are you nervous about tonight? Do you have butterflies in your stomach?” — Cochran
    “I think I have gas.” — Papa Bear
  • “I’m on my way to the shelter, and Papa Bear goes into a dead sprint from the water to the woods, and Papa Bear doesn’t sprint. Ever.” — Elyse commenting on Papa Bear’s last ditch effort to find the idol
  • “About five minutes later, Papa Bear comes waltzing into camp with a big smile on his face and an extra-large bulge in his underpants, and you know, he clearly wants us to think that he has the idol.” — Cochran
Photo Credit: CBS

10 Responses to “Survivor – Is Brandon getting a bad edit, or is he truly losing it?”

September 29, 2011 at 12:45 AM

I have a different interpretation of Hantz and his faith. He’s just simply not a mature believer. While right now he might see Mikayla as a temptress, when he matures and recovers from whatever is REALLY dogging him, he might see Mikayla as just another person who suffers, like the rest of us. When we know better, we don’t live in judgement of others, we understand that rain falls on us all, and that God loves us all, and that each one of us is deserving of love and kindness, regardless of what we look like on the outside.

I just don’t think Brandon was emotionally ready for the stress of Survivor. Please don’t blame his faith. His faith will ultimately help him heal.

September 29, 2011 at 1:09 AM

Oh no, I’m not blaming his faith at all. I respect people who have true faith and actually put that faith to good use (and I come from a very religious background). I do question those who use religion to take advantage of those who maybe aren’t emotionally ready for that, like you said. I’ve seen plenty of people claim to be part of “the faithful” who abuse the trust that people like Brandon place in them to guide them from their troubled past. So I don’t question for a minute Brandon’s strength of belief, I just worry that someone, somewhere — be it someone he trusts to guide him, or producers who will do anything for a rating point — are giving him a bum deal in life and/or on TV. That’s why I said I didn’t want to sound like I was bashing his personal beliefs, because it wasn’t about him, but about what those in positions of trust around him might be doing to him.

October 2, 2011 at 4:00 AM

I agree with Chuck.

Instead of spending time with Brandon and helping him understand what he feels someone gave him religion as a tool to blame his hormonal reaction on others. It allows him not to accept responsibility for his actions.

This is my main gripe with religion. Instead of being understanding people use it as a reason to reject others, blame them and call them “unnatural”. That and using their religion as a reason for violent and abusive behavior.

I think the “hard to watch” part you mean is if Brandon does something violent (like he did before he found religion) on the island. That would indeed be hard to watch.

October 2, 2011 at 10:45 AM

I’m guessing you meant “some people” …? Not all people of faith…? Everybody is different. Regarding “hard to watch” – I was thinking of seeing him struggle, and suffer emotionally. It would seem like he needs some counseling in a supportative environment, not the buzz saw of Survivor.

October 2, 2011 at 3:06 PM

No of course I mean ALL people including those who don’t do it…


I mean honestly, you understand that “people”, by the definition of the word, means ALL people on earth, including atheists and agnostics?

So just to be clear: I only mean the billions of people who DO use it as a reason to blame their own faults on others, justify holy wars, killing and raping other people, make families kill their own daughters because they got raped, use church money to agitate people in California to vote against same-sex marriage etc. etc. Only THOSE people.

October 2, 2011 at 3:27 PM

Is that the Sebastian charm coming out…?

September 29, 2011 at 1:35 AM

Gotcha. I hope this poor kid gets voted off soon. It will be hard to watch otherwise.

October 2, 2011 at 3:37 PM

You know how I think. Asking me if I meant “some people” was egging me on.

And you are doing it again. Pretending that this is me doing something that is offensive.

You are trolling me and you know it.

October 2, 2011 at 5:11 PM

Egging you on…? Not at all, just trying to clarify, so you did not come off as anti-religion. I thought I was being nice, certainly not egging you on. No need to jump bad with me. C’mon man!

October 2, 2011 at 5:31 PM

Please explain to me how a statement about zealots could be regarded anti-religion.

I don’t feel the need to defend myself if a woman, for instance, would say “I hate misogynistic men”, for I am not a misogynist.

So… why do you need me to qualify a statement describing a group of people you are not in?

And please, don’t be offended by that question. I just don’t want you to come off as anti-atheist.

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