CliqueClack TV

The Amazing Race – These people know it’s a competition, right?

When the scenery is the most interesting part of the episode, it's time for the producers to step up their game and look at earlier seasons of the show to see how they had initially gotten it right.

- Season 19, Episode 3 - "Don't Lay Down On Me Now

Teams must count Buddha statues on "The Amazing Race"

This was one of those Amazing Race episodes that makes me want to call up the producers and ask, “What are you doing to this show?!?” The best part of the episode this week was the beautiful scenery. The challenges were more “busy work” than challenging and hardly had an effect on the team standings. However, bad taxi drivers, and other elements not related to the tasks, helped and hindered the teams.

The teams started out on a slow bike ride in the tradition of the Dutch Colonial police patrolling the streets. Had Ernie’s pedal not fallen off, the teams would have arrived at the next clue box in the same order they had started. Once they got the clue, they were off by taxi (Amani and Marcus got the bad cab driver draw this week) to a restaurant … but not for an eating challenge Detour.

The Detour required teams to either deliver lunch to a worker in the rice fields and then plant 300 rice seedlings, or fill two bags with grass and drag two uncooperative sheep to a pen where they then had to fill up six buckets of water  — only two at a time — and fill a trough. Most teams chose the “Grass Fed” portion of the Detour, and when Amani and Marcus finally arrived, they did so as well. Except, when they delivered their sheep and were told they needed more grass, they decided to do the “Rice Field” Detour instead. That boggled my mind. All they had to do was fill the bags up with a little more grass, walk back with their sheep and fill up some buckets. But noooooo, Marcus was angry so he decided they had to do the other Detour … and they were the last to finish and arrive at the next challenge.

Now, here’s where I start to have some issues with the show. Do these people not understand that they are all in a competition to win a million dollars? Granted, this Road Block was a little confusing — count the Buddhas with the four distinct hand positions at the Borobudur Temple, and remember the number and positions to get the next clue — but the whole point is to get yourself ahead of the pack. Yes, it’s so nice to see teams helping each other out, but it does the competition aspect of the show no favors. Laurence helped Tommy, then four other teams banded together to figure it out, and then Tommy and Andy actually gave Amani and Marcus the answers as the teams crossed paths at the entrance to the temple. That drives me crazy. Teams should not be able to give other teams answers to challenges. It seemed like Bill was the only person who actually figured out the solution for himself (and, of course, our old nemesis — editing — could have distorted the truth of the matter).

I’m all for having teams get along harmoniously and be all sunshine and happiness, and helping each other get to a clue box, but when it comes to the actual tasks, there really should be a rule that forbids helping another team or giving a team the answer so they don’t even have to perform the task at hand (and if Marcus had actually been paying attention, he could have just pretended to county the Buddhas). This isn’t Survivor, where you want to keep a strong player in the game for a while to help the tribe. At this point, if a strong team that includes a professional football player is at the back of the pack, let them stay there and face elimination!

In the end, Kaylani and Lisa were eliminated because … no one helped them with the answers. What do you think? Should teams be allowed to assist other teams with challenges?


Photo Credit: CBS

6 Responses to “The Amazing Race – These people know it’s a competition, right?”

October 10, 2011 at 9:49 AM

I don’t mind teams cooperating to get answers, i.e. working together, but I have always thought that giving the correct answer is wrong. The team giving the answer should be penalized, because they are in control, I’m not sure what should happen in tonight’s case Amani and Marcus didn’t ask for help from the snowboarders, so it’s hard to punish them for having someone come up and say “here it is”, plus they didn’t remember the answer. But still, if a team get that much help I think there needs to be some penalty or at least the final team gets saved from elimination (unless they happen to be the team who got the help).

October 10, 2011 at 3:56 PM

I really don’t have a problem with teams working together on challenges. I do agree that people shouldn’t be able to straight out give away the answers.

But I like the snowboarders. It think they want to help the teams that are enjoying the experience. They warned the father/son team (I can never remember names) to read the clue when they were filling the buckets. They are my hopeful pick to win.

October 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Like I said, I don’t have a problem with teams working together to get to a location, but once they have a challenge, they shouldn’t be able to just randomly give a team an answer. Last season, all the drama was sapped out of the challenge where the team member had to ride to a specific location and count how far it was or go back and start over, but once the teams started sharing the answer with each other, there really was no point to the challenge. Giving answers to another team just takes all of the drama out of the competition. They may as well print the answers in the clue and get it over with.

October 11, 2011 at 2:05 AM

i really love this location.Borobudur temple,magnificent scenery from th etop ofstatue..nice shoot

October 12, 2011 at 8:17 PM

The thing I like about teams giving other teams the answer is that it motivates them that much more to finish first. Like our guys here figured out, being the first to complete a task basically puts them in control over everyone else, if they’ll take it. All’s fair in love and war…

October 17, 2011 at 1:18 PM

While most of you were complaining about team giving clues to other teams, I am more concerned with the 1st task. Patrolling in Dutch colonial uniforms were kind of stupid

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