CliqueClack TV

House – Sweet charity

A solid episode of 'House' sees the return of two new characters and the exit of an old friend.

- Season 8, Episode 3 - "Charity Case"

When last week’s review was missing, Ruby commented, hoping that we’d keep reviewing House because the shake-up to the formula had renewed her interest in the series. She’s right. The writers changed things up just enough so that we have new characters to mine and new depths to explore in the old characters.

One thing they didn’t change is an old stand-by that they used tonight. You know those times when the episode titles of House double as the theme that runs throughout the entire episode? Yep, “Charity Case” was one of those. Every character motivation and interaction went back to the theme of charity and while the characters stayed true to themselves, we learned more about them as well.

Sure, the case of the week echoed (echovirus?) what House was struggling with, as it often does — altruistic patient causes House to examine what being selfless really is. In the end, he does that for Thirteen, who wants to be happy but feels guilty that she should be using her skills to help people. And yes, Olivia Wilde really is leaving the show; tonight was her last appearance, so she will stay fired and grateful to House for his selflessness. They really ended up being great friends … so nice to see House with two true friends.

As always, the charity theme comes up as a morality issue between House and Wilson. It was interesting that Wilson was actually switching tunes when it could have benefited his patient’s health, but when the patient’s altruism could have benefited House financially, it was wrong. Either way, it was still taking advantage of a sick man. C’mon, Wilson! Then again, we only found out that the patient was still sick because House dosed him with something, so the morality lines fuzz up once more.

It was fun learning more about Dr. Park as well, and watching House use her discomfort with charity to his own advantage. The dynamic between Park and Dr. Adams was really well-written, and it made me not miss the Bert and Ernie of Taub and Foreman as much. I’m really hoping that both new ladies remain a part of House’s new team. I’m looking forward to seeing them interact with Taub and Chase when they return (and yes, they are both coming back).

Anyone else think that either orthopedics won’t be next door for long, or else we’ll have some excellent humor opportunities this season. …

What’s everyone thinking about season eight of House so far?

Photo Credit: FOX

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2 Responses to “House – Sweet charity”

October 20, 2011 at 9:49 AM

Wooo! Shoutout! :D

One of the funniest moments was House saying, “You’re interrupting my Charlie’s Angels fantasy.” I was thinking how weird/interesting it would be for him to have an all-girls team. But I have to say, I’m glad Thirteen is gone – that character just had way too much stupid drama surrounding her (what’s her name? we don’t know her name! she’s hiding something! she’s bisexual! she’s dying! she killed her brother! she’s in jail! SHEESH.)

I like the contrast between Adams and Park. Adams reminds me a bit of Cameron, except she seems less self-righteous, more idealistic. Park has a completely different perspective (pragmatic, unromantic), which has to intrigue House, even though her haircut is ruining his Angels fantasy.

October 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM

I don’t mind the exit of Olivia Wilde, especially if we’re getting Odette Annabale (HOT) and Charlyne Yi (awesome) every week.

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