Random observations about The Middle from last night’s show:
- If Axl put as much thought and effort into his other endeavors as he did with his “sick / not sick / sick / not sick” shenanigans, just think where he could actually go. (Granted, the show would be sorely lacking in the farcical department in that particular case, but … You know what? Never mind. Let’s leave Axl alone to his ownself …) And is the dude wily or what? When he does excuses, it’s right down to the last detail
- Brick does Shakespeare. Out. Standing. Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be more mind-expanding brilliance to come out of the youngest member of The Heck family, Brick throws us an outstanding curve ball. (Did you notice Brick didn’t whisper to himself while reciting The Bard in the least? Well … not ’til way down the line later in the episode. I thought he may have been cured of that little malady with his new-found love …)
- The glaring, mismatched eyes-into-the-sun “la moda” Sue sported while rehearsing with ex-boyfriend Brad was brain-piercing in all the wrong ways. Loved it.
- “Look, Mike! I can open the door with one finger!” Really, folks: Haven’t we all been there?
- The linoleum flooring Mike was tossing in one scene after “the flood” erupted from the dishwasher? Think we had the same color and pattern in my house when I was a kid.
The show continues to be funny and heartwarming, right down to the pensive look on Mike’s face as he sits on this roof, willing and able neighbors lending a hand all around him.
“You’re the kids and we’re the adults. You’re going to move wherever the hell we tell you to move.” — Frankie
“I know you’re stressed … you don’t need to medicate with alcohol.” — Sue to Mike
“Look around. I think I do.” — Mike
Photo Credit: ABC
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Hi Michael,
Jay Black and I just discussed The Middle today when we taped the latest Podclack. We agreed with some of the strengths you pointed out, but we’re still left wanting more from the characters and writing. In my opinion, sometimes they get it so right and other times they miss it completely.