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Psych – Worst gentleman’s weekend ever

When Juliet tells Shawn she has 'definite expectations' about their romantic weekend away, is Shawn ready for what he thinks she means?

- Season 6, Episode 9 - "Neil Simon’s Lovers Retreat"

I don’t think I could be a bigger fan of how the relationship between Shawn and Juliet has evolved over the six seasons of Psych, especially where we are at now. Shawn doesn’t get women – though this episode proves that none of the men of Psych do – and his reaction completely makes sense. In his mind, he was faced with the ultimate choice: Grow up quicker than he was ready to and propose to Juliet, or lose her. While Juliet clarified that she wasn’t ready for that particular step, we now know that Shawn was.

And, so does Gus. But Shawn doesn’t know that Gus knows (But does he know that I know that you’re not telling the truth?).  This is definitely going to cause some friction between the two inseparable pals when the show returns – but it is something that they are going to have to go through. It’s slowly happening, though. Prior to Gus realizing his card was stolen, he’d been ignoring Shawn’s calls all weekend. This is not the act of a friend who has been attached at hip since childhood. Both of these boys are realizing that in the next step in their lives won’t necessarily be the status quo that they’ve grown up with. But knowing and accepting are two entirely different things.

On a less serious note, I love the Carlos Jacott trifecta this season. In “The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap Man, Issue No. 2,” his name was used as the victim’s. In last week’s “The Tao of Gus,” he guest starred. This week, he was completely off-screen, actually writing the episode. I guess when he played a television writer on Studio 60, it wasn’t that much of a reach for him.

Psych always has some of the best quotes. These were some of my favorites this week:

“I know that you have very definite expectations of this weekend.” – Shawn
“What do you mean?” – Juliet
“Well, you sent me a email on the 5th saying, ‘Shawn, I have very definite expectations for this weekend.’” – Shawn
“Right, to which you replied, ‘Slumber party, nudey time, drinky drinky.’” – Juliet
“That’s my ‘Out of Office’ reply.” – Shawn

“It’s called being an adult, Shawn. You should try it sometime.” – Juliet
“I’m wearing a man’s robe.” – Shawn

“If I weren’t in a meaningful relationship, I could do all types of damage up in this hizzy … Am I saying that right? Hizzy?” — Lassiter

“I’m as young on the inside as these kids are on the outside.” – Henry
“Yeah, but when you were that young on the outside, this was all farm land.” – Gus

“Baby, all your facial parts are in the right spot.” – Shawn
“ … Thanks Shawn.” – Juliet

“She gets migraines. Horrible, horrible migraines. Yeah, the room starts spinning, down is up; up is down. Left is always left though.” – Clyve

“Stop saying the resort is sorry for our loss. The resort is a building. Unless it is Monster House or the Overlook Hotel, I am not impressed. Neither is my lady friend!” – Shawn

“Beef ribs! And … beef ribs. And … more beef ribs. Are you kidding me? Neither one of you thought to bring a vegetable?” – Henry
“This is man’s weekend, not a lady’s rotary club function.” – Lassiter

“You’re acting like a child, Shawn.” – Juliet
“I’M NOT ACTING!” – Shawn

“I have never seen a woman eat ribs like that in my life … except in cave man drawings.” – Lassiter

“That’s it, we are dirty thieves, but we are basically nice people and totally against animal cruelty.” – Barbie
“And illegal downloading. Piracy makes me sick!” – Clyve

“You could have just asked me to open the door you know, instead of pulling your gun on me.” – Housekeeping attendant
“Sorry, force of habit.” – Lassiter
“Jerk.” – Housekeeping attendant
“That’s fair.” – Lassiter

“Turn around, face your vehicle, get down on your knees, cross your ankles and put your hands behind your head.” – Lassiter
“What do you think I’m a gymnast, are you crazy? I’m not that flexible.“ – Jerry


Photo Credit: USA

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One Response to “Psych – Worst gentleman’s weekend ever”

December 15, 2011 at 12:03 PM

There’s been a lot of maturity coming from Shawn when it comes to detecting and his relationship with Jules. I think they’re going in the right direction with these two. Conversely, Gus seems to be losing the maturity he has shown over the last seasons.

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