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NCIS – You think they took the apartment?

Thanks for the drive-by, Steve Urkel! Next time you think you could play a character with actual story significance? You've got to wonder why Jaleel White would agree to be "guy who finds the dead body."

- Season 9, Episode 13 - "A Desperate Man"

Outrageous. That’s the first — and most consistent — word that came to mind following last night’s episode of NCIS.

The most egregious thing was CI-Ray’s (Enrique Murciano) completely out-of-place marriage proposal to Ziva, which made no sense for a number of reasons. First of all, Ziva and CI-Ray’s relationship has not been established anywhere near well enough to substantiate that sort of forward motion. He’s been less than a hazy figure since the end of season eight, and so to suggest that there’s anything between them of any substance is just … ludicrous. Even for the alternate universe that TV shows live in it was ridiculous.

Second, it makes no sense for the series to have a main character proposed to, let alone married. Think about it: does NCIS feel at all like a “married with kids” type of show? I realize that in a way that’s an unfair statement to make, but some shows just don’t have the built-in structure to allow for certain types of stories. Granted the writers pulled back immediately on the marriage story’s reins, but that does nothing for the fact that it was completely out-of-place from the start.

The story also makes no sense for Ziva herself. I know the writers have been hinting at her longing for normalcy for a long time now, but Ziva finding herself in a relationship that ends in marriage is about as likely as Gibbs finding himself married with another child on the way. Just not going to happen.

So, I mean, that was just absurd. Then … then … then they revealed that CI-Ray was the killer? Um, stupid much? Did the writers look up after writing the dumb proposal scene and suddenly find themselves in a tight corner of their own making, leading them to scramble for something, anything, that would quickly end the pain? Because that’s about the only explanation I’d accept for the poor way in which they wrapped up both last night’s murder case and CI-Ray’s story arc. Come on.

Here’s something else that was ridiculous: Jaleel White guest starred for thirty seconds as the guy in the opening scene who discovered the body. That’s it, Urkel out. Really? While White may not be a big star anymore, he’s still famous. I can’t help but question both the producers and the actor himself over that casting decision. What was that about?

Some good stuff … Tony and McGee were fun with all of their discussions about dating and love. My only problem with the show, and particularly Tony, moving in that direction is that it only furthers the idea that these people can only be truly happy with a family. I’m not saying it’s the wrong path, but I wouldn’t say it’s the right one for everyone (see: Tony). Sure Gibbs seems lonely at times, but I think it’s because he’s mourning those he’s lost, not because he wishes he was married again. Big difference.

Meanwhile, what was with the paucity of Gibbs moments? Such a blah episode could have really used him.

NCIS Belva Lockwood was no joke [51eRnHz2DHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS Belva Lockwood was no joke [517viGC516L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS Belva Lockwood was no joke [51yRekuK3tL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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3 Responses to “NCIS – You think they took the apartment?”

January 12, 2012 at 10:11 AM

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was absolutely *shocked* that Jaleel White was part of the group finding the body only to *never* appear again on the episode. As soon as I saw him, I figured he was famous enough that he was at least going to end up being a suspect in the death, if not the actual killer.

We didn’t even get a post-finding-the-body interview with Gibbs and Urkel!

January 12, 2012 at 6:07 PM

Jaleel who???

After watching “NCIS” for any length of time, one should learn that the people in the teaser are usually unimportant to the story going forward and can often be safely ignored and forgotten.

February 21, 2012 at 2:21 AM

I loved reading this (late) because you did a good job of pricking the writing bubble and revealing why this plotline has no clothes.

My thinking is that Ray was only ever a contrivance to give Ziva something to do while they wrote the EJ storyline for Tony last season. So like (The Importance of) Ernest’s Bunbury, he no longer needed to live and so he died. Besides,he wasn’t nearly kick-ass enough for Ziva to be realistically interested in him unless her new dream was to be Mrs. Middle America.

But Ray as the killer? Really cheesy.

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