CliqueClack TV

Castle – Fun and uncomplicated is NOT what his life needs

This week's 'Castle' is all about the British Invasion. Will James Bond tempt Beckett, or is Castle for her eyes only?

- Season 4, Episode 20 - "The Limey"

The pull of the will-they/won’t-they drama continues is ramped up even more in this week’s Castle. I may not always appreciate the twists and turns of that particular story, but I do like that the show takes them head-on. In most of these stories on television these days, the connection/tension/love seems to go unmentioned. At least Castle is willing to take that particular aspect of the story head-on.

I really enjoyed the conversation between Lanie and Beckett in the teaser. Speaking about her feelings outloud, specifically that she knows she’s still “dealing with some things” yet realizing that the moment could be passing her by, was a very big moment for Beckett. I don’t believe for an instant that Castle wouldn’t immediately (yet tactfully and politely) upgrade from First Class to Beckett Class if the detective had the same type of serious, open conversation with him as she did with Lanie.

The point is that they need to have that conversation. The barrier at this point is Beckett. Castle told her how he feels, and now that he knows that she knows that, his reaction is logical. While she may not be aware of the catalyst, she’s noticed the change. Will she be able to overcome the excuses or the hesitation or the fear or whatever it is that is keeping her from having that discussion with Castle? No doubt, and likely before the end of the season … but will it be in time?

The only thing I did not appreciate about the little chat Lanie and Beckett had was the fact that Lanie doesn’t realize how epic the Castle/Beckett dynamic actually is. Doesn’t she watch this show each week?!?!

The :45 Guess: As I stopped in the last commercial break, I really couldn’t figure out what I was supposed to be guessing. The victim had somehow uncovered a pretty big smuggling problem – the Stingers are more likely part of an arms deal than an indicator of a secret British invasion. The only other suspects are the singer and her producer. Biggie Slim is the logical guess of the two. Though, “logical” might be stretching things, as that being the resolution to the case that involved Stinger missiles in diplomatic pouches seems a bit too coincidental for me.

The Answer: I guess coincidental isn’t the right word when the stories are linked together like that. I think I should have gone with trite. I hate to criticize the show for this, especially because I don’t really watch it for the crime solving. Though, I loved the hypocrisy of Beckett calling out Castle for sharing information outside the team, because operational security has always been foremost in the team’s eyes.

Notes & Quotes:

  • “I feel I just walked into a bad episode of Miami Vice.” – Beckett
    “First: there are no bad episodes of Miami Vice, and second: who died?” – Castle
  • “Hey Lanie, how does it look? [Asking about the victim].” – Beckett
    “Like you waited too long [Talking about Castle].” – Lanie
  • “Where’s Castle?” – Lanie
    “He took off for a lunch date.” – Beckett
    “In a Ferrari full of flight attendant?” – Lanie
    “He’s probably trying to rack up his frequent flyer miles.” – Beckett
  • “Ryan, you’ll be here, front door dressed as a flower delivery boy. Esposito, you’ll be here, dressed as a hobo.” – Castle
    “Question? Why does the brown man gotta be the hobo?” – Esposito
    “You want the flowers?” – Castle
    “Hobo it is.” – Esposito
  • Love that Beckett dances at a ball at the British Consulate to a song by, in my humble opinion, American’s quintessential composer George Gershwin.
  • Agent Bauer? Really? A little obvious, no?


Photo Credit: ABC/Karen Neal

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4 Responses to “Castle – Fun and uncomplicated is NOT what his life needs”

April 3, 2012 at 3:00 PM

It would have been a much better show if they hadn’t recycled the last five minutes from a previous episode.

April 9, 2012 at 9:46 PM

This is how we know women are from Mars and men are from Venus.

Castle confessed to Beckett while she bled from a potentially fatal bullet at the funeral of the man who she saw as a father who was potentially involved with her mother’s death. Then, he tried again while she was in the hospital, suffering from PSD, having split from her boyfriend and put on leave. That’s what we call BAD timing. Heck, I remember having difficulty with my car late one night while the parking lot attendant tried asking me out. And, I remembered saying, dude, this is not the time to ask.

However, Beckett greatly hinted on the swings that she kinda sorta remembered but needed time. I thought Castle got that.

This season I understand Castle even less. In the first three seasons, Beckett never went to Castle. But, this season we repeatedly see her trying to ‘confess’ and getting side-swiped by him. Also, this season we saw Castle encounter even more shiny female objects with ‘S’ names despite Beckett’s swingset statement.

Castle’s expectation that she’d start a relationship despite the terrible things in her life seemed selfish. And, his unwillingness to discuss it with her now (preferring to muse with his mother), seems doubly selfish. Finally, sharing police evidence with civilians? Swanning in and out of the station when it suits him? Selfish in triplicate. He got a pass because of his seeming dedication, but if he keeps acting like a jerk, I won’t cry if Gates boots him.

Will Castle and Beckett get together? Probably. But, for the first time I’m on board with Captain America\Dr. Josh part three.

April 9, 2012 at 10:20 PM

I don’t have time for a full response, but I obviously disagree with pretty much everything you say (and stand for).

But I will say this…. This show has a well documented problem with “sharing police evidence with civilians” that I’ve been complaining about all season.

April 10, 2012 at 11:06 PM

Dude – Your existence is against everything I stand for. I won’t lie. The show has gone out of its way in sharing info with Castle (including letting him take files home). But, in support, they only let him in because of his mayoral support. And, they didn’t let him take files home first. He had to build up that trust over three years.

But, now having received the trust to sit in on cases 24-7, sit in the interview room and view sensitive information of active files, seeing him treat it like dirt just makes me doubly anti-Castle this week.

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