There are a lot of fun guest spots that Patricia Heaton’s and Neil Flynn’s old costars could do. Here are two I’d love to see: Ray Romano as an old boyfriend of Frankie’s, and Zach Braff as a kid Mike used to bully. Am I right?
I was very into June joining Peter and Mozzie for the tutorial, but a part of me was holding onto the notion that June had been a naive bystander, “in the know” without really knowing. Is there more to her story as well?
Did anyone else read a lot into the brief shot of Alicia passing a piece of paper from Viola to Diane? Is it just me, or is she sometimes starting to feel like little more than an insignificant middleman on the show?
Tony and McGee flinging heist and getaway movie references was awesome. Has McGee been studying up for just such an occasion? Because he kept up with Tony just fine.
There’s only one more episode left before ‘Greek’ disappears forever. So where will the show leave us? Can’t figure it out? Read on for my thoughts on what devilish plan the creators have in store for the fans.
Each week I review a show that’s new to me. Good idea, or punishment (mine or yours)? You be the judge. But either way, if I had to watch it, the least you can do is read what I have to say….
Talk about random guest star sightings … Tommy Lee playing piano in a hotel lobby as random people sing along with him? And could that have sounded any more like it was recorded in a studio?