I know it can’t be easy to do — especially if your dad is Robert Wagner — but Tony’s a little to blame for the way his father behaves … he totally feeds into his father’s act without calling him on it.
Each week I review a show that’s new to me. Good idea, or punishment (mine or yours)? You be the judge. But either way, if I had to watch it, the least you can do is read what I have to say….
If Shane and Andy were sitting in the living room watching TV, who did Mr. Schiff see on the surveillance camera messing with his mail truck? And where did he get the money for the plane tickets?
It’s bad enough that he’s being written as a complete idiot these days, but don’t tell me that a guy like Adam has no friends. Sure he was raised by hippies, but he’s no Russell.
Talk about racy — how about Trump asking David if he was gay, or Brandy saying she preferred older men, hinting that Trump might stand a chance with her? I’d say that’s a lot worse than a woman in a men’s dress shirt.
Why did Pam and Jim feel as if they couldn’t set the record straight about their private reception? Would they have been worse off uninviting — but not starving — the majority of the parishioners?
I’m sure anything can happen, but I have to side with (and against) Mike on this one — as a parent, I couldn’t imagine NOT being able to recognize my baby, even as an infant. I think mothers AND fathers would agree.