CliqueClack TV

Jason Hughes

Twitter: ultraversion21

Posts by Jason Hughes

The Week Ahead – Emmy nominees and the All-Star Game

Highlights of the Week In my house, baseball is still the American pastime, and this year the All-Star Game is in my backyard. (FOX, Tue. 8pm ET). HBO offers up Teddy: In His Own Words, proving that there’s more to Ted Kennedy than booze … or there isn’t. Really, it could go either way. (Mon. […]

The Week in Clack – Funeral for a King, Syfy and NPH Emmy-bound

I’ve missed a few weeks, but luckily nothing significant happened. There are now plans in place to ensure this never happens again, as we are training panda bears to write this column in the event I fail to (please don’t go extinct or anything). The big story of the week was the funeral for Michael […]

The X-Files Virgin’s Diary – Season 2 begins; give me back my X-files!

(Season 2, Episodes 1-4) What a great start to the second season. In the first four episodes we’ve had an alien encounter, a true monster, psychological manipulation and now mental powers, military experimentation and ultimately a government cover up. Sounds like every facet of The X-Files was just covered. And we got to see one […]

The Week Ahead – Earth almost dies, Eureka, Entourage, and a tribute to Billy Mays

Where the hell have I been? How have you been watching television without me? I worked up this elaborate excuse to justify the absence of this column over the past several weeks including reanimated raccoon corpses and a bizarre Bollywood musical number but I burned myself on a smoke bomb and I feel too lame […]

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