CliqueClack TV

Annie Wu

Twitter: anniew
Bio: Annie is a blogger, illustrator, designer and generally pretty busy. Her work can be seen on CliqueClack,TV Squad and her arty pursuits are documented on her art blog (caution: Self-loathing and surly, leggy women ahead).

Posts by Annie Wu

Daily Show/Colbert Report – John Oliver makes out with DC, Gitmo visits Jon, Stephen dances

(Week of January 19, 2008) Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Barack Obama was sworn in as president on Tuesday, so it was no surprise that the entire week’s hot topic was the Inauguration. TDS did a live show, […]

Daily Show/Colbert Report – TDS turns ten; Lewis Black breaks character for half a second

(Week of January 12, 2008) First of all, in case you haven’t heard, Barack Obama is going to be sworn in on Tuesday, and everybody in DC is gonna get totally wasted on hope and the champagne-filled reflection pool. It’s going to be the craziest Inauguration Day ever, and The Daily Show will cover the […]

Daily Show/Colbert Report – Anderson Cooper loves puppies, Stephen leg-wrestles a Rep.

(Week of January 5, 2008) Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I hope Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert got plenty of well-deserved vacay time and Happy 2009 and blah blah blah, but I’m so glad to see them again. […]

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – OMG! Pretty girls and underage drinking

(Season 1, Episodes 1-4) Beyond being young, female and a little gossipy, I don’t consider myself part of Gossip Girl‘s sexy target demographic. Trust funds and body shimmer aren’t particularly important to me, so I shouldn’t be interested in GG, right? As it turns out, my rebellious streak, surly demeanor and the ominous theremin music […]

And the new Doctor Who is…

This guy! No, that’s not the new drummer for whatever indie band the obnoxious teenager next door has stretched across his t-shirt, nor is that the obnoxious teenager himself. This is Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who and, so far, the youngest to take on the role (born 1982). Check out this interview […]

Five reasons why I hate How I Met Your Mother (and why I watch anyway)

The fans of How I Met Your Mother baffle me. They’re hardcore, that’s for sure, and their incredible love for the show has permeated the Internet, triggering enough curiosity in me to tune in for a few episodes over the summer. As it turns out, this show makes me groan more than laugh and cringe […]

NPH to host SNL; ladies and gents remove their pants

No Doogie Howser, MD (the show, not the unfortunately named city in Maryland) fan in their right mind would have ever expected Neil Patrick Harris to become one of the funniest people on television in the late 2000s. In fact, NPH’s dead-on timing is the only reason why I tune into the tragically mediocre How […]

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