CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

A look at Six Feet Under’s Fishers

The Fishers are probably my favorite family from television. I have never seen a group of people so well rounded, fascinating to watch, and with such amazing chemistry with each other.

Revisiting a Six Feet Under virgin diary

In honor of ‘Six Feet Under’ week here at CliqueClack I took a stroll through all of my old virgin diary articles, revisiting my thoughts as I experienced the show for the first time.

Quibbling Siblings – Game of Thrones season two casting

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. With Debbie away on vacation, though, Ivey fills in as we discuss the season two casting for ‘Game of Thrones.’

Five ways to turn around True Blood

‘True Blood’ has been less than overwhelming this season, and I’ve heard it from a number of people. Far from a lost cause, though, I think the show could easily turn around, here are five ideas.

True Blood – No one is as they seem

This week’s ‘True Blood’ was all about people not being exactly what they appeared to be. Whether it is amnesia, possession, or full on transformation, plenty of characters resembled completely different people. Was it for the best?

Quibbling Siblings discuss our Emmy dreams

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we talk about our Emmy dreams for this year.

Breaking Bad – Walter buys a gun and Jesse breaks down

Only a couple episodes into the new season of ‘Breaking Bad’ and we have already had a huge number of tense moments. Walt’s sense of self preservation seems to make him capable of anything. How far will he go?

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