CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost – What happened with Sayid and Desmond?

‘The Candidate’ was a big episode, but there is one detail that had been bouncing around in my head and has me asking the question: What exactly went down with Sayid and Desmond?

30 Rock – The return of the moms

It’s Mother’s Day at ’30 Rock,’ which means guest appearances by all the mothers of the characters on the show. Who doesn’t love Elaine Stritch as Colleen?

FlashForward – Annoying turns of plot

With only a handful of episodes left ‘FlashForward’ took one step forward and two steps back in this episode, revisiting some old questions that I thought were already wrapped up.

V – Anna is one step ahead

Anna always seems to be one step ahead of the Fifth Column and this week was no different as she set them up to look like real terrorists.

Lost – Sawyer, Jack, and the battle for biggest moron

The final season of ‘Lost’ really turned the dial to eleven this week. For the first time all season, the end really feels right around the corner, and all I can say is: Yowza.

Lost in Lost – A review of what we don’t know

With only five hours of ‘Lost’ left, I figured it was a good time to run down some of the outstanding questions that have been raised.

30 Rock – Jenna finds her perfect match

This may have been a bit of a letdown of an episode, but it did feature an incredibly clever and hilarious new boyfriend for Jenna.

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