CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

30 Rock – Frank turns into Liz and Liz turns into Gollum

There was a lot of great stuff in this week’s 30 Rock. Aside from excellent guest spots and cameos (including appearances from two of the ladies from The View), some of the regular characters really shined in this episode. It’s wasn’t the usual suspects, either. Kenneth was barely in the episode, Jack was mostly playing […]

FlashForward – Mark Benford is a moron, and some other theories

It seems like most detractors of FlashForward tend to point toward Mark Benford, or his portrayer Joseph Fiennes, for hating the show. I can’t say that I share the same feelings, but he certainly is a frustrating character. I hate impulsively stupid people, and I think Benford is just that. He is so obsessed with […]

Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The trials of Sofie

(Season 2, Episodes 4-5) Sofie has had a very interesting year since her mother died at the end of the first season of Carnivale. In this block of episodes there was a big focus on her. First she was put through the ringer at the carnival, showing up the rest of the crew and proving […]

I want my Muppet TV

You may have missed it last week in the holiday hubbub: the Muppets released a video on Youtube of just about every character joining in to perform Queen’s classic Bohemian Rhapsody. If you haven’t seen it yet (and I have embedded it below), I have to tell you that it is every bit as epic […]

Heroes – I don’t think I was supposed to be laughing

Alright, I have to apologize if you liked this episode of Heroes, but for me it was an hour of stupid decisions and sappy sentimentality, with each scene a little more ridiculous than the next. I know that we, as a fan base, have been clamoring for a major death for a couple of years […]

Lost in Lost – Groundhog Day

Last week I talked about the start date of Lost’s final season: February 2, 2010. I failed to notice (shame on me) that this date also holds some additional meaning. Yes, it’s Groundhog Day. At first I didn’t even realize that the two dates coincided, but even if I had, I’m not sure that I […]

V – See you in March

Well those first four episodes certainly went by quickly, didn’t they? I thought that V showed a real improvement over the first month of installments. It’s a shame that ABC is absolutely destroying any momentum that the action might be seeing. Of course, it’s also stopping any more loss of viewers, as the ratings for […]

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