CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

Mad Men – How is this season going to end?

Well, I was wrong. For a while now, I’ve been figuring that the assassination of President Kennedy was going to be saved for the season finale, but it took front stage on the penultimate episode this week. The historical event did, however, appear to put a bunch of things in motion for the end of […]

Lost in Lost – The Olympics are going to ruin the final season

Okay, I will admit up front that the title of this post is most likely an overstatement, but look at Ben. He’s very sad, and do you know why? It’s because the final season of Lost is not going to be shown uninterrupted as last season was. Instead, it will be broken up by the […]

30 Rock – Lots of chuckles, some great cameos, and the worst Boba Fett ever

This Halloween episode of 30 Rock was chock full of goodies. I think one of my favorite parts was the quick flashback we got to see of a previous TGS Halloween party, as shown above. I’m not sure what’s better: Toofer’s Kid n’ Play costume, or poor Lutz as the worst Boba Fett ever. As […]

FlashForward – More treat than trick

After last week’s episode of FlashForward I was pretty concerned about the show. This week, I was pleasantly surprised with this Halloween episode. I thought it was a return to form and offered many more treats than it did tricks. There was good mystery, some actual tension, and the flashes were used in a meaningful and […]

Diary of a Carnivale virgin – Management speaks, and Samson doesn’t like it

(Season 1, Episodes 8-9) After taking some time to really dive into to some of the characters of Carnivale, including the Dreifuss family and Brother Justin, some of the mystery and intrigue of the series returned to the forefront in these two episodes. I’m still really enjoying Carnivale. The mood and setting are definitely very […]

Heroes – Things are starting to align

I don’t want to say that this episode of Heroes was boring, because it wasn’t. For the most part I was entertained through the whole hour. With that being said, however, it seemed like the events of this episode were more of a “mean” than an “end.” I think that this installment was setting up […]

Mad Men – The truth comes out

Well, I think it’s safe to say that this week’s Mad Men was the episode of the season … so far, at least. After last week’s episode I was sure that things were going to be dragged out over a couple episodes, but I was happily wrong. Just about everything between Don and Betty came […]

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