CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

FlashForward – Can we trust the flashes?

I don’t want to say that this third episode of FlashForward was boring, because at no point during the show was I ever bored. It was, however, slower than any other episode to date. With that being said, there seemed to be a lot of introspective questions raised in this episode, with all of it […]

Is Saturday Night Live the most important political show on television?

Saturday Night Live seems to go through many up and down cycles. Heck, even from episode to episode the quality of the show can vary greatly. Through it all, though, one thing has remained constant: SNL has always satirized and mocked the politicians and current events of the day. The program has hysterically lampooned just […]

Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The series opens with a whole lot of intrigue

Lot’s of people have told me that I would love Carnivale. I think a lot of folks know about my Twin Peaks obsession and felt that Carnivale had the same type of bizarre supernatural feeling that the classic cult soap had. Also, Michael J. Anderson was in both shows, though in very different capacities. He […]

Heroes would be better if the bomb had blown in season one

After this week’s episode of Heroes, I started thinking about the first season, reminiscing about how good it was. One of the things that struck me was that in season one there was direction. There were goals (“save the cheerleader, save the world”), there were definite, clear cut villains (Sylar), and there was promise of […]

Heroes – Things may be getting interesting

It’s clear that Heroes is trying to address some of the criticisms of the past few seasons. The most obvious is that only a handful of characters are appearing in each episode, with others sitting them out so that the focus isn’t spread quite as thin as usual. That, however, leads to another problem: momentum. […]

Mad Men – When the cat’s away

Beware of those dog days of August if you’re married and it’s 1963. I never thought that I would be comparing Pete and Betty while watching Mad Men, but, by golly, they were certainly going through parallel plots in this episode, weren’t they? I didn’t think this episode carried quite the same gravity as the […]

My favorite Lost moments – The greatest phone call in TV history

As I continue exploring some of my favorite moments from the past five seasons of Lost, this week I get to the moment that is probably my favorite of them all. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the more polarizing scenes in the show. I’ve never considered myself a shipper at all, in regards to just […]

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