CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

The trouble with MacGuffins – the Laura Palmer problem

Alfred Hitchcock was a brilliant man who made innumerable contributions to the world of entertainment, both in cinema and television. One of these contributions was his popularization, if not creation, of the term MacGuffin. If you are unfamiliar with the word, it essentially means the object, whether tangible or intangible, that drives the plot of […]

Kings – darkness sheds some light

I’ve never been afraid of the dark. I’m not quite sure why, as I tend to have an overactive imagination that can runaway with itself and conjure up all sorts of creepy crawlies. It is fascinating to me, however, how people can react so differently to the darkness. This episode of Kings highlighted that idea, […]

Diary of a Veronica Mars virgin – New couples, more clues

(Season 1, Episodes 17-20) I’m a little surprised that I’ve gotten this far into the season without bringing up a very important point. How terrible is Veronica’s flashback wig? I can’t help laughing whenever the show flashes back and poor Kristen Bell is wearing that limp mop head of fake blonde hair. I understand that […]

No Lost, but there is some Leverage – Daily Rerun Roundup

They say that procedurals repeat really well, and after looking at the lineup for this evening, I wonder if that’s because they are the only shows that networks show in repeats. It’s Wednesday night and there’s no Lost, I just can’t get on board with that. I can’t be the only one that would watch […]

Lost in Lost – Matthew Fox drops some spoilerage

If the title of this post wasn’t hint enough for you, be warned that spoilers for the final season follow. Well, to be honest, Matthew Fox’s comments from the Monte-Carlo Television Festival, aren’t all that spoilery, and I’m not even sure how trustworthy they are. Not that I’m calling him a liar, but I don’t […]

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