CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

A betrayal comes to light on Kings

This week marked the bittersweet return of Kings. I’m happy to have it back on TV, even if it’s just so that NBC can burn off the last seven episodes of this under appreciated (and woefully under watched) show. At this point, I’m just changing my way of thinking, considering this a long miniseries, and […]

Diary of a Veronica Mars virgin – Veronica faces off with her dad, and hunts down her mom

(Season 1, Episodes 13-16) Yes, last week I (facetiously) said that I was looking for more issues that I could relate to directly, such as a student sleeping with a teacher (which happened at my high school in my senior year). Little did I know that one of the next episodes was going to feature […]

Get caught up with Leverage! – Daily Rerun Roundup

If you’re getting sick and tired of the summer reality shows, don’t worry. We’re here to help you find your favorite scripted programs. Yeah, they might be in repeats, but sometimes that’s better than watching “celebrities” eating bugs. CBS is rerunning their normal lineup, including a funny repeat of The New Adventures of Old Christine […]

Diary of a Six Feet Under Virgin – Let us mourn the passing of season three

(Season 3, Episodes 12-13) And just like that season three of Six Feet Under is over. In retrospect, I think that season three was by far the strongest of the series so far. I loved the relationship between Nate and Lisa, even though it was strained. I loved Keith and David really working on their […]

Diary of a Six Feet Under virgin – A shocking turn of events

(Season 3, Episodes 8-11) Season three of Six Feet Under is quickly (more quickly than I would like) drawing to an end. Oh boy, what an end it is shaping up to be. I don’t usually get shocked by TV shows, with the possible exception of Lost, but I can honestly say that I was […]

Diary of a Veronica Mars virgin – Adultery, cults, babies switched at birth, and secret societies

(Season 1, Episodes 9-12) With my expectations reeled back in, I’m really starting to enjoy Veronica Mars now. It’s a fun show, and the ongoing mystery is intriguing.  With that being said, I was promised smart and respectful treatment of real teenage issues. So far I’ve seen transexual parents, cults, children switched at birth, and […]

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