CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

30 Rock – Beware of Ikea

NBC decided to give us an hour of ’30 Rock’ this week for Valentine’s Day. Like most decisions made by NBC, this was a bad one, as the episode felt overly long and all the stories were too spread out and unrelated.

Luck – Good? Bad? Just make your own

Ace moved forward with his plans for revenge as the gamblers saw their luck start to fade after their big win. If you missed ‘Luck’ on Sunday night (I can’t imagine what else you would have been watching), HBO is running it again on Monday.

30 Rock – It’s a Jack Off!

I think ’30 Rock’ got the biggest laugh of the season out of me this week, as Jack, negotiating with himself declared a Jack Off.

Quibbling Siblings lament full DVRs and busy nights

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we talk about why cable schedules all their shows for Sundays and other DVR back ups.

Luck – The start of something special?

David Milch and Michael Mann team up to bring HBO’s newest original ‘Luck’ to TV. The world of horse racing is examined at every level from the horse owners, trainers, jockeys, all the way to the gamblers.

30 Rock – More idiots and New Friends

NBC doubled our pleasure this week with two new episodes. The first episode finished up last week’s outing, while the second found a few characters discovering just how much they need each other.

30 Rock – Denise Richards is an idiot (and a good sport)

Jack and Liz have always been the backbone of ’30 Rock’ and that didn’t change this week as Jack gave Liz the 3rd degree about her new secret boyfriend.

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