CliqueClack TV

Brittany Frederick

Twitter: tvbrittanyf
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Bio: Brittany Frederick is an award-winning entertainment journalist, screenwriter and novelist who freelances for multiple websites. She also runs the blog You can find her at her official site ( and follow her on Twitter (@tvbrittanyf).

Posts by Brittany Frederick

Beavis and Butt-Head: Volume 4 would please The Great Cornholio

The country’s most infamous slackers are back…and taking on the network that made them … and still not scoring. Did you miss them?

Justified gets ‘Thick As Mud’ but where’s the pineapple?!

A ‘Psych’ guest star livened up ‘Justified’ this week. Let’s thank Elmore Leonard for a ridiculously entertaining episode.

Things I learned from The Voice season 2, week 2

Talk of arm-wrestling, guys with one name and a self-described ‘Egyptian warrior princess’…what a way to start the second week on ‘The Voice.’ Who were your favorites?

Hawaii Five-0 – Is this the end of the Lori Weston experiment?

What’s with the women on ‘Hawaii Five-0’? Unless you’re Kono (or Danny’s daughter Grace), you don’t seem to stick around on this show very long. Are we adding another name to the ex list?

Smash – Things get catty at ‘The Callback’

One Marilyn hopeful ends up with the part (and in bed with the director). The other isn’t so lucky (or unlucky). Did you agree with the reveal?

Law & Order: SVU – A wonderfully disturbing nightcap

‘SVU’ has never been for the faint of heart, but last night’s episode was particularly nerve-wracking…thanks to a great lineup that proves this show has plenty of life left in it.

Justified makes things awesomely uncomfortable

The best scripted series on TV gives us a fourth episode with both character development and a scene that’s left me wanting a hug and a glass of warm milk. What more do you want?

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