CliqueClack TV

Guest Clacker

Bio: Interested in writing a guest clack for us? Check our About page for contact information and let us know!

Posts by Guest Clacker

The Listener – Give Toby a chance

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thoughts about COLBERT going up in space…. Finally The Listener started airing on NBC in the US, and after my promise/comment under Debbie’s initial preview of The Listener, this is my take on the Pilot episode titled “I am an Adult.” So why finally? The answer […]

Community looks awesome

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after writing about COLBERT in space…. Admit it, when you read that Chevy Chase is going to star in a new comedy this fall on NBC you thought the following things: a gopher from Caddyshack Saturday Night Live NBC sucks and will never ever get away from #4 in […]

“COLBERT” goes up into space

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again,after last sharing his thoughts about The Family Guy’s Star Trek episode…. Last night marked a huge win for Stephen Colbert. While it was obvious that NASA wouldn’t ever consider naming Node three “Colbert” in the first place, even after more than 230,000 people wrote in, they managed to get […]

Krod Mandoon’s word play beats its sword play

Michael Noble’s back Guest-clacking again for us, after sharing his thoughts on American Idol with us…. I was enamored of comics when I was a kid. (Still am.) One of my favorites was Conan The Barbarian, the popular Cimmerian savage who went on to (rather bumbling) misadventures with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the title character on […]

American Idol: The Top Mediocre Eight and results show

Michael’s back Guest-clacking about American Idol again…. (This entry didn’t make it to yesterday’s posting. It is provided here, none the worse for wear … combined with Michael’s results show commentary, so read on….) *sigh* An hour (more, actually) of so-so so-ness from everyone Tuesday night. You can’t call’em high-lights and you can’t call’em low-lights, […]

American Idol elimination show – a three-ring circus

Michael Noble’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thoughts on last week’s Idol performances…. Last Wednesday’s Idol Elimination Show. A Three Ring Circus. Complete with clown acts. And impersonations. Don’t forget Ringmaster Seacrust and The Performing Judges. Plus animals. (Or animal likenesses, rather.) A pink bubbly piano. Marionettish performances amazing only in that […]

American Idol – something for everyone

Today’s Guest-clacker is Michael Noble, a married native Southern California family man.  He is alive and well, and spouts off more often than he should and is currently embroiled in a Project 365 photo blog. Ain’t it a kick how everyone has their own little quirks and kinks about this show? “He’s darling.” “She can’t sing […]

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