CliqueClack TV

Jane Boursaw

Twitter: jboursaw
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Posts by Jane Boursaw

Crash – Ben visits his shaman

(Season 1, Episode 7 – “Los Muertos”) “Yeah, let’s play footsie with fate. Put the pedal to the metal!” – Ben to Anthony, on his suggestion that they open the limo up on the open road Interesting episode, mostly centered around Ben and his quest to rid himself of the doc’s ghost, which he sees […]

Private Practice – Violet gets ultra-irritating

(Season 2, Episode 6 – “Serving Two Masters”) Violet continues to irritate me with her meddling ways. OK, so I get that she and Cooper are best friends. Why must she meddle in his life to the point of being ultra-annoying? So Charlotte ends up being the renter. So what? Why is it Violet’s business […]

Grey’s Anatomy – Go home, Denny!

(Season 5, Episode 9 – “In the Midnight Hour”) This episode was just “meh” for me. Maybe I’ve become so used to having giant traumas week after week, that when we don’t have one, the episode seems boring. And it’s really bugging me that Denny is still hanging around! If it’s indeed his ghost, what […]

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Professional dead guy

In my Grey’s Anatomy review last week, I was lamenting the fact that Denny Duquette was still hanging around torturing Izzie and preventing her from moving on with her life. At this point, it’s hard to tell whether it’s truly his ghost or just something Izzie conjured up to unconsciously keep herself from moving forward. […]

True Blood – Someone gets strangled

(Season 1, Episode 11 – “To Love is to Bury”) “Man up, my friend. She’s not even one night old.” – Eric to Bill, on his new (and unmanageable) vampire charge, Jessica So, it sure looks like the killer is a guy! Doesn’t it? And speaking of Amy and Jason … oy! He should have […]

Heroes – Save the cheerleader comes back

(Season 3, Episode 9 – “It’s Coming”) This episode really didn’t grab me, which is what I’ve said about all the previous episodes this season. Many of my friends have already cut the cord on Heroes, but not me! I’m staying til the bitter end, dawgawnit. So they’ve returned to the original image of the […]

Desperate Housewives – Lynette and Gaby do the right thing

(Season 5, Episode 8 – “City on Fire”) “Putting a wall around your heart doesn’t protect you. It just keeps people out. I learned that the hard way.” – Susan to Julie A lot happened in this episode, and it harked back to the glory days of season one. My thoughts: Gaby really showed a […]

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