CliqueClack TV

Jane Boursaw

Twitter: jboursaw
Bio: Read Jane's movie news & views at

Posts by Jane Boursaw

Quotation Marks: TV’s quotes of the week

We know you guys can’t watch every show (though if you’re like us at CliqueClack, you do your darndest to accomplish that feat). At any rate, in case you miss a show or two, we solemnly vow to bring you the best quotes right here. Our round-up this week: “I love this burger so much, […]

Survivor: Gabon – She Obviously is Post-Op! – Live-Blogging

Hey, Survivor Fans! Click through this post to the second page to join the live-blogging party.

Survivor: Gabon – She Obviously is Post-Op!

(Season 17, Episode 3) I haven’t watched much Survivor over the years, so it was fun for me tonight, watching it as a relative newbie. If you haven’t yet checked out my live-blog, go read our comments as the show was airing. My friend, Kris, has watched the show since it began 17 seasons ago, so it’s great to […]

Private Practice – A Family Thing

(Season 2, Episode 1 – Season Premiere) Either get back on top of me and shut up, or keep talking and watch me walk out that door.” – Charlotte to Cooper Life is messy, isn’t it? Especially if you’re one of the doctors at the Oceanside Wellness Group. Nice place for a clinic. Plenty of drama, though. OK, […]

Lipstick Jungle – Chapter Nine: Help!

(Season 2, Episode 2) It’s just one big chemistry set in the jungle tonight. No steamy shower scene between Wendy and Shane (damn!), but plenty of hot moments for Nico and Victory. With guys, that is, not with each other. First, Nico. How much time should pass before you stash the black dresses in the back of the closet? For […]

TV on DVD – Sept. 30, 2008

My Three Sons: The First Season, Vol. 1. I’m overly excited about this DVD set, because it was one of my all-time favorite shows as a kid (and it still cheers me up to watch it). There’s just something about Fred MacMurray as Steve Douglas, patiently dispensing fatherly advice to his household of boys. These early black-and-white episodes include sons […]

Heroes – One of Us, One of Them – Live-Blogging!

Hey, Heroes fans! Ready to dish the dirt on Heroes? After watching the first two episodes last week, I feel somewhat confused at the moment. Hopefully, tonight’s ep will clear up a few things. Or, more likely, confuse me even more! Check out the live-blog and read the transcript after the jump…

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