CliqueClack TV

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

CBS Crimetime and FOX medtime – Daily Rerun Roundup

It’s a Tuesday in June. So, don’t expect much when it comes to original network programming. Unless, of course, you’re interested in I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! And, if you’re watching that show, then you are obviously more bored than you first thought. Go outside and get some fresh air, man! It’s another […]

Webisode Clack – Star Trek on the Internet

I don’t know if any of you have heard, but apparently, J.J. Abrams remade the original Star Trek in his own image and created a monstrous hit that is currently running in theaters even as I type this. Trekkers and Trekkies all across the country are praising the movie as the newest resurrection of the franchise (well, except […]

Saturday mornings: 1977 – CliqueClack Kids

1977 marked another turning point in Saturday morning scheduling. Instead of building on trends from previous years, the networks decided to go with a “throw it against the wall and let’s see what sticks” approach. The result: a wide variety of mis-matched programs that quickly fell off the schedules in favor of older, more recognizable […]

House (again), NCIS, and the Mentalist – Daily Re-run Roundup

It’s the last Tuesday in May, which means a lot of repeats but not much substance. However, that doesn’t stop us from revisiting these shows because — paraphrasing a previous NBC tag line — they’re new to you. If they’re not new, you can still read insightful and pithy commentary on these shows, prepared by the […]

Has FOX found the right slots for House and Bones? Nah, couldn’t be!

Something’s wrong in the universe. I was just reviewing FOX’s 2009-2010 schedule, which was released on Monday, and there is something off-kilter. First, there’s an incredible amount of stability in the schedule as many of the show’s from last season are coming back next season. Second, House and Bones are remaining in their respective Monday and […]

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