CliqueClack TV

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

CliqueClack’s guide to finales, premieres, and crappy summer shows

CHECK OUT OUR UPDATED LIST OF THE BELOW. NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG! May I have your attention please. I don’t want to alarm you, but the current 2008-2009 season is fast coming to an end. We’ve already seen some season and series finales (Privileged, Battlestar Galactica) over the last few months, but that’s […]

The dead docs of ER

As the very last season of ER winds down to a close it’s time to reflect on what has happened over the last 330 episodes. The one thing that comes to mind is death. Lots and lots of death. Not just the deaths of patients, nurses, helicopter pilots, ambulance drivers, tank drivers, convenience store owners, […]

Episode 330 of ER – Always look on the bright side of life

Second to last. When you’re being picked for a kickball team, second to last is a good thing. When you’re talking about the end of a long-running series, second to last is not something you want to happen. Unless you’re one of those folks who thinks ER should have ended 13 seasons ago. For you, second to […]

Theory 39,516 on what Battlestar Galactica was all about

Like many of you who watched the series finale of Battlestar Galactica, I’ve had a chance to chew on, swallow, regurgitate, and chew again the events that took place during those two hours. And, like you, I’ve read numerous opinions as to what bit Ron D. Moore was trying to portray with his science fiction […]

Last week on Bones: dull, dull, dull

The DVR is a magical device. Not only does it digitally record shows for you, it stores them until you are in the right frame of mind to watch them. So, if you’re not interested watching American Idol at its normal time because you fear that you’ll reach into your TV and rip Simon’s neck off, […]

Kate Gosselin, you need to rethink your priorities

To Kate Gosslein, star of Jon & Kate Plus 8: What are you doing? Okay, that’s a pretty open question. It could mean so many things, like what you’re doing this minute, or what you are doing with one of your kids, or why you’re constructing a statue of Octomom in your front yard. So, let me […]

Gee, that Neela-Ray reunion seemed awfully familiar

When you have a show that runs as long as ER, certain plot points end up being rehashed from time to time. This is logical; if, in the 15 seasons the show has been on the air,  you had only one instance of a child abuser, or a drug addict, or a crazy guy with something […]

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