CliqueClack TV

Scott Tunstall

Twitter: ITIScott
Bio: I'm a freelance writer/blogger who rambles about TV, movies and sports. In addition to CliqueClack, you can find my stuff at ITI , MatchFlick , and Gunaxin.

Posts by Scott Tunstall

Rescue Me – Abstinence, 9/11 conspiracies and female orgasms

I’m undoubtedly approaching broken-record status, but Rescue Me weaves disparate topics into its episodes better than any other series on television. Whether it’s the absurdity of painting a bar completely black or the shock of one man praying to God for another man to die, the writers fearlessly combine the ridiculous and the sublime on […]

Ashes to Ashes – Chasing the red balloon

Early on in the latest installment of Ashes to Ashes, Alex Drake was warned by the evil clown Pierrot that someone was going to die. Not just anyone, but one of her fellow coppers. Up until this point, Alex has been fighting to seize control of her 1981 alter ego. Her theory has been if […]

Eight great TV villains

Who doesn’t love a good villain? Anyone? I thought as much. Classic big screen baddies like Darth Vader and Hannibal Lecter get all the pub, but there are just as many evildoers committing dastardly deeds on the small screen. J.R. Ewing, Simon Cowell, and the Cylons have all excelled at donning the black hat, but […]

Rescue Me – Is anybody watching?

Based on the results of last week’s season premiere poll, it doesn’t appear many people are watching Rescue Me. Fourteen votes? Pathetic. Well, folks are missing out on one of the best written shows on television. Not many series can seamlessly vacillate between a debate over cock farts and a discussion about a neoconservative plot […]

Ashes to Ashes – The Rubik’s Cube

Whenever an episode begins with Soft Cell‘s cover of the song “Tainted Love” followed closely by a trippy dream sequence involving red satin sheets and being sucked into a bed, I am in ’80s heaven. That’s how the latest chapter of Ashes to Ashes kicked-off and it got even better from there. After mostly enjoying […]

BBC Babble – Team Torchwood

I started watching Torchwood a couple years ago on BBC America and then for some inexplicable reason, I stopped. It had nothing to do with not liking the show, because I thought it was excellent. Perhaps I was afflicted with a brief bout of amnesia and simply forgot when it was on. Or maybe Captain […]

Rescue Me – After 19 months, it’s baaaacccckkkk!!!

September 12, 2007. That was the last time the boys from Truck 62 graced our television screens. Thankfully, they have returned. The timing couldn’t be better considering we’re about to enter the dead zone as far as new programming is concerned. After such an interminable layoff, the FX execs have wisely decided to roll out […]

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