CliqueClack TV

Scott Tunstall

Twitter: ITIScott
Bio: I'm a freelance writer/blogger who rambles about TV, movies and sports. In addition to CliqueClack, you can find my stuff at ITI , MatchFlick , and Gunaxin.

Posts by Scott Tunstall

Ashes to Ashes – Why the subtitles?

The third installment of Ashes to Ashes was one of the filler variety. The plot involved a serial rapist who preyed on “impure” prostitutes. It was mildly interesting, but I was hoping for a few more clues as to how and why Alex Drake is stuck in 1981. I was denied. Instead, there was a […]

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Season one is a wrap

Thanks to the wonders of DVR, I was able to catch the last five or six episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars‘ first season Thursday, in preparation for Friday night’s season finale. My brother turned me on to the series and, despite my initial reservations, I have to say it’s a pretty entertaining show. […]

Real World: Brooklyn – Ryan gets bad news

If it wasn’t for Ryan, this season of Real World: Brooklyn would be pretty much unwatchable. Chet and Katelynn have had their moments, but Ryan is easily the most compelling figure in the house. An Iraqi Freedom Army vet, Ryan is still dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and has been dreading a possible […]

BBC Babble – Heeeeeere’s Graham!!

I don’t watch late night talk shows as much as I used to. I grew up with Late Night with David Letterman and was loyal to Late Night with Conan O’Brien the first few years of its existence. Truthfully, I can’t keep track who’s hosting what these days. So, Jay Leno is leaving, but not […]

Ashes to Ashes – Boom goes the dynamite

Alex Drake seems to be settling into to her 1981 digs nicely, thank you. She does keep seeing visions of the creepy birthday clown Pierott, but you can’t expect complete normalcy when you’ve been transported to a make-believe time and place after being shot. I quite enjoyed Alex’s greeting to her precinct brethren: “Good morning […]

Real World: Brooklyn – Scott pitches a fit, then saves the day

I haven’t exactly been kind to most of the Real World: Brooklyn cast this season. Scott, in particular, has rubbed me the wrong way. Up until now, the guy has done little besides pump iron and bitch at Katelynn for not cleaning her dirty dishes. He hasn’t been a raging asshole, but he does have […]

BBC Babble – Top Gear redux

I couldn’t help myself. Despite having already extolled the many virtues of Top Gear a couple months ago, Monday night’s episode was too good to pass up. By the bye, if you’ve never seen this BBC America institution, you’re missing out. It has action, intrigue, comedy and steel smashing into more steel. What’s not to […]

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