CliqueClack TV

Scott Tunstall

Twitter: ITIScott
Bio: I'm a freelance writer/blogger who rambles about TV, movies and sports. In addition to CliqueClack, you can find my stuff at ITI , MatchFlick , and Gunaxin.

Posts by Scott Tunstall

The plucked peacock

This may seem like piling-on after yesterday’s brilliant Grinch/Zucker ditty by CliqueClack’s own Richard Keller, but what the hell happened to NBC? The once imposing network — home to such television icons as the Cartwrights and Johnny Carson — has plummeted into a chasm of mediocrity. A perennial ratings powerhouse during the ’80s and ’90s, […]

House of Saddam – Not a very cozy place

HBO has become the go-to destination for mini-series about Iraq. On the heels of this summer’s powerful Generation Kill, comes a four episode docudrama on the life and times of everybody’s favorite modern-day murderous dictator: Saddam Hussein. Debuting this past Sunday night, House of Saddam for the most part focuses on family dynamics inside the […]

Redemption Song – American Idol for train wrecks

Does anyone watch Fuse? It’s not a bomb-making channel, although that would make for some explosive television. Wink, wink. No, Fuse is the only music channel not named VH1 that actually plays videos, since MTV decided to repackage itself as the place to go for vacuous refuse starring money-grubbing D-listers and pompous teenyboppers, all of […]

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