CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for Showtime's Californication

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Spring premieres and the return of Event and SGU

As we turn the clocks forward, the spring premieres are getting fired up on the networks, including ‘Secret Millionaire’, ‘Celebrity Apprentice’, and the return of ‘The Event’. On cable, ‘Breakout Kings’ debuted, and ‘Stargate Universe’ is back.

by Brett Love

Californication – The state versus Henry Moody

I was wondering about all of the laughing and good times between Karen, Hank, and Becca … apparently it was all to prove a point. The weekend was fantasy; Monday in court is that family’s reality.

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Charlie Sheen wins

You couldn’t go anywhere last week without hearing about Charlie Sheen. TV, twitter, facebook… Not even our local comic convention was Sheen-free. When will it end? No time soon, if the ratings are to be believed.

by Brett Love

Californication – What happens when Hank meets Sasha’s grandmother?

Talk about random guest star sightings … Tommy Lee playing piano in a hotel lobby as random people sing along with him? And could that have sounded any more like it was recorded in a studio?

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Will Charlie Sheen save Chicago Code?

Things looked much better as many shows bounced back from the struggles of last week. On the networks, ‘Chicago Code’ loves that Charlie Sheen is on the drug called Charlie Sheen. And on cable, the NBA looks a lot like the ‘Jersey Shore’.

by Brett Love

Californication – What’s the golf equivalent of zero percent?

Hank Moody golfing? I thought Hank would explode just coming out of the pro shop changing room, but actually swinging a golf club on the green, with Lloyd cradling him in a teaching moment? It was crazy!

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Crushing blows across the board

It was a grisly week of numbers, with show after show posting losses. There were series lows, and season lows. Bright spots included the ‘Grammy Awards’ and the premiere of ‘Suspect Behavior’. On cable, how is ‘Being Human’ stacking up against ‘Stargate Universe’?

by Brett Love
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