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Take a look back at the week in quotes, as the Clique offers up our favorites of the week. If we missed yours, share it in the comments!
Franco is smack dab in the middle of a vicious circle of his own making … and the end result will not be pretty.
While things were mostly quiet on the broadcast front, the big premieres continued on cable. Last week saw the return of ‘Entourage’ on HBO, and ‘Project Runway’ on Lifetime.
Despite the poignant 9/11-related scenes that were powerful in their lack of dialogue, the rest of this episode zigged and zagged all over the place.
Loud-mouthed Tommy may have loudly railed against the matriarchy in the Gavin household and declared himself in charge, but he still wound up at the store buying tampons.
The big surprise on the networks came from the numbers for ABC’s Jaycee Dugard special, which easily outscored the MLB All-Star Game. Over on cable, another huge helping of summer premieres, including ‘Curb’, ‘Alphas’, ‘Warehouse 13′, ‘Eureka’, and ‘The Closer’.
The final season of ‘Rescue Me’ has begun and, one episode in, Tommy Gavin’s still, tenuously, on the wagon even though his freshly engaged daughter has fallen off.