CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for Syfy's Battlestar Galactica

Latest episode clacks for this show:

If you want to know Gaeta’s “secret,” watch the webisodes

In reading some of the comments about last night’s Battlestar Galactica, I was surprised to find out that a lot of viewers didn’t know what Baltar was talking about when he mentioned knowing what Gaeta’s “secret” was. What’s actually more surprising, to me (and I’ve said this before already) is that something relatively big was […]

by Keith McDuffee

Saul Tigh jumps on the grenade

Right about now, anyone who’s seeing this post is thinking “God damn it! What’s with the spoilers?!” First of all, if you haven’t seen last night’s episode yet, then you have nothing to fear … yet. If you read further, though, you may be spoiled. You have been warned, so say we all … and […]

by Keith McDuffee

Jennifer Garner should watch these five shows while breastfeeding

Everybody does it. Don’t tell me you don’t do it. I just did it, and I’m ready to do it again! I’m talking about watching television, of course. And the other day, I was looking at People online, and got roped into looking at a slide show of photos of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. […]

by Jen Creer

Who will be a messiah first: Starbuck or Locke?

Two of my favorite shows on television right now are Lost and Battlestar Galactica. I won’t go into all the reasons I love them, but suffice it to say: they’re the awesomest! One thing that I have noticed lately is that both of the shows appear to be setting things up to make one of […]

by Bob Degon

Frakkin’ Clack – Catching up with podcasts; Moore and Vernon chat

Much to the happiness of BSG geeks like me, Ron D. Moore has been doing timely podcasts for the remaining episodes of the season, or at least he has for the past two. It’s always interesting to hear what the man has to say on what he was thinking with certain scenes, and the other […]

by Keith McDuffee

Battlestar Galactica – Little Nikki isn’t so special … or is he?

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “A Disquiet Follows My Soul”) Beginning population: 39,644 If you watched the Face of the Enemy webisodes, Gaeta’s thought process in this episode should be little shock to you. In fact, I wasn’t really sure why the closing scene had Zarek hiding the “mysterious person” he was talking to, behind […]

by Keith McDuffee

Starbuck goes insane!

Some things you might not know: 1. Dirk Benedict — the original Starbuck and Face from the A-Team — is still alive! 2. He’s a right-winger who is blogging for conservative entertainment blog, which is kind of like The Huffington Post except without the Greek accent or the cultural cache. 3. He believes that […]

by Jay Black
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