CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for FOX's House

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Diary of a House virgin – The doctor’s nemesis is in

(Season One, Episodes 13 – 16) It took me a couple of episodes to get behind the introduction of Edward Vogler, but by the end of these four, I was. You’ll see that I didn’t think he was necessary when first introduced, but he grew on me. It’s odd, considering what these doctors do each […]

by Ivey West

Miss the Hung pilot? Check it out tonight – Daily Rerun Roundup

We’ve got a little bit of everything in Rerun World tonight, from Kathy Griffin to Hugh Laurie to Tim Roth. If you missed the pilot of Hung, check it out on HBO at 9 PM. It felt flaccid to Keith, but I think it’s an interesting premise. Notice how more and more TV characters are […]

by Jane Boursaw

Diary of a House virgin – lies, damn lies, and guest stars

(Season One, Episodes 9 – 12) I wouldn’t say my honeymoon with House is now over, but at the same time, I’m starting to get some of the criticisms of the show. It is kind of the same story week after week. Sure, there are tweaks and twists, but the set-up for each episode is […]

by Ivey West

McGee’s in prison, Silver’s in a play, and House takes a break – Daily Rerun Roundup

Everyone, meet the summer doldrums. Summer doldrums, meet everyone…oh, wait. There’s no one to meet because they’re all out enjoying your season. Well, September is only two months away. At 8 PM we find agent Timothy McGee stuck in a women’s prison on NCIS. I’m pretty sure he’s thinking about Caged Heat the whole time. […]

by Richard Keller

Diary of a House Virgin – Still picking up steam

Eight episodes in, and I continued to be impressed by House. Its obvious, though, that the ongoing weakness of this show will be its formula. I know I’ve harped on it already, but the show seems to follow a very similar arc episode after episode. The fact is, however, that it doesn’t really bother me […]

by Ivey West
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